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The Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) were kicked out of Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois in the 1800's. Although the Church now exists in these states, it didn't for about half a century afterwards. In fact, an Extermination Order against the Mormons was still on the books in Missouri until the 1970's.

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The Mormons were driven from New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois.

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Q: What states were the Mormons driven from?
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What territory did the Mormons fled to due to persecution?

After New York they ended up in Missouri and were persecuted. The governor, Lilburn Boggs wrote an Extermination order that said, "the Mormons must be treated as enemies and exterminated or driven forcefully out of the state." They were driven from there and ended up in Utah.

What was the Mormons result of their quest?

After being driven from Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois, the Mormons were forced to begin a journey, or quest, across the United States to seek religious freedom. In 1846, the first companies began the trek west, by ox-drawn wagons and handcarts. Many died on this first and many subsequent journeys.The Mormons finally settled in the Salt Lake Valley, where religious freedom was reached.

What state is inhabited by Mormons?

All states in the US are inhabited by mormons, Utah having the largest population.

Why did the Mormons move out of Independence?

The Mormon Pioneers left Missouri in 1838 because the governor, Lillbourn W. Boggs, issued an extermination order against them, saying that all Mormons should be "exterminated or driven from the state." This extermination order was in place until 1976.

What was the experience of the Mormons as they traveled from the Midwest and into the salt lake basin?

The Mormons were treated harshly. They were attacked by mobs, had little food or money. They attempt to stay in a few places on the trail and were driven out by the people AND the government of some states. Even when the national government probably should have stopped it constitutionally the didn't. This caused many man to die. That is also why they start multiple marriage, to give widows someone to support them. Basically they were beaten, killed, and driven from their homes for their beliefs.

How did governor boggs feel about the Mormons?

Obviously he didn't like them very much, as he ordered that they be exterminated or driven from his state (Missouri).

Where do most Mormons live outside the US?

Of the 13,824,854 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) worldwide, 7,785,947 live outside the United States. That is, 56% of all baptised Mormons live outside the U.S. Nations with quite a few Mormons are: Canada 179,801 Mormons (1% of Mormons are Canadian, 0.5% of Canadians are Mormon) Samoa 69,224 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 39% of Samoans) Tonga 55,173 Mormons (0.5% of Mormons, 53% of Tongans) Mexico 1,197,573 Mormons (8.7% of Mormons, 1% of Mexicans) Guatemala 220,296 Mormons (1.6% of Mormons, 1.6% of Guatemalans) El Salvador 105,501 Mormons (0.8% of Mormons, 2% of El Salvadorians) Hondouras 136,408 Mormons (1% of Mormons, 2% of Hondourans) Brazil 1,102,674 Mormons (8% of Mormons, 0.6% of Brazilians) Chile 561,920 Mormons (4% of Mormons, 3.3% of Chileans) Peru 480,816 Mormons (3.5% of Mormons, 1.7% of Peruvians) Philippines 631,885 Mormons (4.6% of Mormons, 0.7% of all Philippinos) UK 186,082 Mormons (1.3% of Mormons, 0.3% of all UK) Australia 126,767 Mormons (0.9% of Mormons, 0.6% of Australians) New Zealand 100,962 Mormons (0.7% of Mormons, 2.4% of all New Zealanders) To compare, the United States has 6,038,907 Mormons. That's 44% of Mormons and 2% of all Americans. But you can find Mormons in nearly every nation of the World! The "Related Link" below has a great population statistics map related to Mormon Church membership.

What has the author William Elkanah Waters written?

William Elkanah Waters has written: 'Life among the Mormons, and a march to their Zion' -- subject(s): Controversial literature, United States, Military life, Description and travel, Mormons, United States. Army, Mormons and Mormonism.

Why did the Mormons seek refuge outside of the US?

The Mormons had faced severe persecution and oppression from both local residents and city and state governments. An appeal for protection to the United States government was not answered, so the Mormons decided to seek religious freedom outside of the United States.

Are Mormons in every state?

Yes, definately. There are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) in every state of the US. There are over 6 million Mormons in the United States. The state with the largest number of Mormons is Utah with 1.8 million Mormons. The state with the fewest number of Mormons is Rhode Island, with about 4,000 Mormons.

What state was colonized by Mormons?

Many of what are now the Western United States were settled by "Mormons." You may be referring to Utah, however, which was the primary destination of the move west.

What state had the highest population of Mormons in the late 1800's?

Utah had the highest population of Mormons in the late 1800's. This was due to the historical migration of Mormons to the area following their persecution in other regions. Utah remains the state with the highest percentage of Mormons in the United States today.