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Answer: The Vedas allow for the worship of many gods, while the Ten Commandments require followers to worship only one.

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Why do Hinduism use the holy vedas for?

holy Vedas were originally commandments of God to first men. Vedas are used as guidance for daily life in Hinduism. Vedas are also used for religious activities and rituals.

Why are the Veda important?

According to popular Hindu belief Vedas are the direct commandments form God. Thus Vedas representing one Supreme God are very important.

Do Hindu carry the Ten Commandments?

no, Not specifically the ten commandments. Hindus follow vedas and other religious texts, which guide them through their life and explain their duties. It is kind of detailed version of Ten commandments, just with a lot more commandments.

Which statements describe similarities between the Vedas and the Mahabharata?

They were both honest and just rulers of their kingdom

Is Vedas a Jewish holy book?

No. The vedas is not a Hindu God. The Vedas speak of a Supreme being of light that will come and remove the sins of the world. This supreme being of light is none other than Christ in reality. The vedas are not reliable as no one agrees to an accurate version that faithfully is recorded. Faith in the Vedas has been lost due to its nature of Animal sacrifice including cows for sins (yes hindu's cows were already sacrificed by your one and only holy scripture). The Vedas run at a very slight angle parallel with the old testament. Much of the old testament is almost word for word in the vedas. One wonders just how old the vedas must be.

How Hindus show respect the Vedas?

Hindus show respect the Vedas asHindus believe that the Vedas texts are of divine origin. The chief sacred scriptures of the Hindusare the Vedas. THere are lot of Vedas in hinduism.

Who composed the Vedas?

The vedas where composed by aryans

What came first the Vedas or Ramayana?


Who composed Vedas?

The vedas where composed by aryans

What is the oldest religious text of the aryan?

in Hinduism there are 4 Vedas which are extremely holy. apart from Vedas other Sacred Texts include Mahabharata Ramayana and Geeta.

Which language were the Vedas composed?

The Vedas were composed in an ancient form of Sanskrit.

Is Vedas a motto?

I do not know if Vedas is a motto that is why i submitted the question