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Be with good people,See no evil, Tell no evil,Do no evil,think no evil, hear no evil,respect teachers & elders, hear speeches of great personalities, be kind, gentle,loving & affectionate.

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Q: What sort of moral values you are lacking and how you can develop the same?
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What did you mama give you?

Strong moral values and hopefully the same applies to all others reading.

What are some disadvantages of a person who has moral values?

Some disadvantages of a person with strong moral values may include being perceived as rigid or inflexible in certain situations, facing internal conflict or guilt when faced with moral dilemmas, and potentially being taken advantage of by others who do not share the same values.

What is the meaning of smug moral?

"Smug moral" typically refers to a self-satisfied or complacent attitude regarding one's own moral beliefs or behavior. It can imply an air of superiority or condescension towards others who do not share the same beliefs or values.

Is moral development the same as behavioral development?

No, moral development and behavioral development are not the same. Moral development refers to the understanding and formation of one's moral values and principles, while behavioral development involves the overall growth and changes in an individual's actions and reactions over time. While there may be some overlap between the two, they are distinct concepts.

Does 'lacking' mean the same as 'devoid'?

Lacking means that there is a shortage of something; such as someone who is lacking in manners. Devoid means to be completely without something. The words are similar but not exactly the same.

What is the difference between morals and morality?

What is the difference between "morals" and "morality"? I think these are just two sides of the same moral phenomenon. Morals are the social side and morality is the individual side of the same. Morals mean for me the moral norms and moral principles of the common sense and/or accepted by the members of a social community. Morality means the personal moral values and principles which conduct really my behaviour.

Is a moral the same thing as a lesson?

No a Moral isn't the same thing as a lesson. It sort of is but not by much.

Do atheists lack the values of the holy?

No. Atheists in general have the same moral and ethical values as do Christians and members of other religions. If there is a difference, it is that atheists hold the values that they do hold because they believe in their intrinsic merit, rather than in the hope of reward or fear of hellfire. Apart from religious faith, atheists do not lack values attributed to followers of religions.

What is the difference between normative and descriptive realativism?

Normative relativism involves the belief that moral standards are relative to particular cultures or societies, meaning there are no universal moral truths. Descriptive relativism, on the other hand, simply observes and describes the diversity of moral beliefs and practices across cultures without making judgments about their validity.

Make an OHP presentation of 05 minutes on what you understand about Moral Values and Character building highlighting process of development of the same in a person and state how this helps in career?"

What is meant by ideal match?

Someone who shares your interests, enjoys doing things with you, understands and respects you, makes you the best person you could be, and you the same for him. He also shares you moral, values, ambitions and beliefs.

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same reason as dogs they are lacking vitamins