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38 years at the pool watching no different from David watching Bathsheba.

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Q: What sin caused the man at bethesda to be crippled?
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Are natural disasters caused by sin?

Natural disasters are not directly caused by sin. They are instead the result of natural forces and processes at work on our planet, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions. These events are part of the Earth's natural cycle and are not punishment for specific sins committed by humans.

How man is responsible for environmental degradation?

Human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and overexploitation of natural resources are major contributors to environmental degradation. From industrial processes to agricultural practices, human choices and behaviors have directly led to habitat destruction, climate change, and loss of biodiversity. Sustainable practices and conservation efforts are essential to mitigate this impact.

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What is the Spanish word for fearless man?

a fearless man = un hombre sin temor

Is it a sin for a white woman to date a Sikh man?

no it is not a sin Is it not aloud??

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Riddle from inside man?

What is inside man? INSIDE + MAN = MAIDEN SIN.

What prophets warned against sin?

All prophets warned man against sin.

Why are your sin is guy?

bz his guy man

What world's religion does not regard homosexualty as a sin?

because judaism makes it a sin specifically for a man to have sex with a man, it can be interpreted that lesbianism is allowed in judaism

Is it a sin for a man to wear an earring?

AnswerNot in Judaism and Christianity. There is nothing in the Bible to prohibit a man from wearing an earing. If it is made of gold, it could be a sin in Islam, and perhaps some would say that it is still a sin for a man to wear an earring even if not made of gold.