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  • Belief in one God that of Abraham
  • Believe in the existence of the Messiah being Yishua (Jesus) as the greatest prophet of Allah, and await the second coming
  • Charity is one of the pillars of this faith and Christians and Jews are viewed as "people of the book" in a reverent way


  • Belief in one God that of Abraham
  • Believe in the existence of the Messiah being Jesus Christ and await the second coming
  • Charity is the greatest of the three main virtues: faith, hope, and charity, these three but the greatest of these is charity...equated to love


  • Belief in one God that of Abraham
  • Believe in the existence of the Messiah and awaiting the first coming
  • Kindness to family, elders, servants, children, and animals are encouraged and commanded
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Q: What similarities and differences does Islam have with other religions and how does it teach tolerance for other beliefs?
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What is the difference and similarities of Jewish and Hindu beliefs?

There are few if any similarities. The two religions are about as different as they could be.

What is ironic about those who traveled for religious freedom?

They themselves had no tolerance for religions and beliefs outside of their own. Native American beliefs, etc.

Why did Great Awakening increase religious tolerance in the colonies?

Great awakening = more religions More religions = more people with different beliefs more people with different beliefs = more difficult to be intolerant.

What is religious tolerance?

Being respectful to people who believe in something different from you

What is religions tolerance?

Religious tolerance is the acceptance and respect of different religious beliefs and practices, even if they differ from one's own beliefs. It involves acknowledging and accommodating diverse religious perspectives without discrimination or prejudice. Practicing religious tolerance promotes harmony and understanding among individuals of different faiths.

What are types of tolerance?

There are three main types of tolerance: cognitive tolerance, affective tolerance, and behavioral tolerance. Cognitive tolerance refers to the ability to accept different beliefs and opinions. Affective tolerance is the capacity to remain open-minded and respectful towards others despite emotional differences. Behavioral tolerance involves showing patience and understanding towards individuals who behave in ways that may differ from one's own values.

What religious tolerance?

Religious tolerance means that you don't mind it if other people have different religions than your own - and that you don't discriminate against them on the basis of their religious beliefs, or even kill them.

What is acceptance of other religions practices called?

The acceptance of other religions' practices is called religious tolerance or religious pluralism, which involves respecting and acknowledging the diversity of beliefs and practices among different faiths without discrimination or prejudice.

What is another word acceptance of differences?

Tolerance is another word for acceptance of differences. It refers to the ability to respect and appreciate people who are different from oneself in terms of beliefs, values, or behaviors.

What year was obeah found?

Obeah was not "found". It is an amalgamation of practices, rituals and beliefs of various African tribes mixed with Christianity, practices found in the West Indies and other religions. There is no single "Obeah tradition" with more differences than similarities between practitioners.

What are examples of cultural tolerance?

Examples of cultural tolerance include respecting and appreciating different cultural practices, beliefs, and traditions without judgment or prejudice, actively seeking to learn about and understand other cultures, and promoting inclusivity and diversity in social interactions and institutions.

What are Muslims beliefs about religios tolerance?

It all depends on which Muslim you are dealing with. some of them have none while the vast majority of them have been able to live with other religions throughout history.