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It should be spenton the pastors salary, mentaining the church and for mission work.

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Q: What should the money given as tithe be used for?
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How much should you tithe?

You should only tithe as much as you can afford. You should not impoverish yourself in order to give your money to a church. Tithe is a word used long ago to mean "a tenth". Tithes were paid to the church or to the Lord of the Manor. It meant that you should give one tenth of whatever you had, whether crops or animals or money. There were "tithe barns" in which the Lord of the Manor would store crops or hay which had been given to him.

What is the difference between a tithe and operating expenses of a church?

A tithe is a gift of money that a church-goer would give to help with the public services that a church provides, sometimes the tithe can be used for repairs to the church. Whether it be feeding the needy, housing the homeless or presents for patients.

What is a synonym for tenth?

a tithe. one tenth of working catholic's wages used to be paid to the church. this was referred to as a tithe.

How many times is tithe used?

The word "tithe" is in the King James Version of the Bible 14 times. It is in 13 verses.

Where must tithe go to. what is the job of tithe in the church.?

The tithes are used, for the pastors salary, the upkeep of the church and paying the electric bills etc.

What is redeeming your tithes?

Redeeming your tithes refers to using the funds or goods that you would have traditionally given as tithes to support charitable causes or individuals in need, instead of directly giving them to a religious institution. This can be a way to have a more direct impact on helping others in the community.

To which type of person was a tithe a payment to?

According to the Bible, Tithes are to be given only to the Levite Priests; there are no more Levites today.Numbers18:24 But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as an heave offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.18:25 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,18:26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe.

WhenPeople voluntarily give one-tenth of their money to a church or charitable?

The giving of one tenth (This is called a Tithe) of ones earnings back to the Lord is to help build up the Kingdom of God, to feed the hungry and to give help to all those in need. Abraham paid tithes to Mechizadeck, who was the great High Priest at that time. This tithe was not kept by Mechizadek but was used as the Lord saw fit. It is my own testimony that whoever pays a tithe will in no way suffer but will have all that is required for them to live comfortable lives. It is not difficult to pay one dollar out of ten, the hard part is to be able to willingly part with one hundred dollars from one thousand.

What is ment by a credit limit used on the age analysis and why should a debtor be given a limit?

So that a debtor can not use more than the money limit.

Do mormans pat money to their church?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe in the Biblical practice of paying a tithe. (donating 10% of your income to your church). This is not unique to Mormonism, as it is commanded in the Bible and is practiced by many Christians. Tithe money is used to build and maintain churches, purchase church supplies, support missionaries, help the poor and needy, and host congregational activities.

What is a tithe barn why did Medieval England use a tithe barn and what happened in a tithe barn?

The word "tithe" is from Old English teoða, which means a tenth.A tithe was a tax of one-tenth of all produce or income imposed by the Church (not the government, as has been incorrectly claimed in another answer) on everyone in each parish, so farming peasants were forced to give a tenth of everything they grew to their local priest. This produce would go straight into a community tithe barn, where it would be stored for a time; in most cases it would then be used to feed Church employees and the priest himself, or it could go to a local monastery, or it might be sold at market rates and the money would go into Church coffers.The tithe was universally hated since it imposed an additional unwelcome burden on the poorest people in society, who were also bound to pay money taxes, rents, fines and other obligatory payments to their feudal lord.In a particularly bad season when the crop was poor or was damaged by insects, weather or disease, the tithe might be returned as a charitable donation to the farming peasants, but it would be a meagre food supply in such cases and starvation was a real threat.

Are you really getting your moneys worth when it is taken from you by your church?

The money that is given within a church should be used to feed the poor. It is a gift that you give, not a subscription fee.