Although there is no universal rule about the color of her veil, the Blessed Virgin is usually depicted wearing a blue or white veil over her head.
I have never seen an image of the Blessed Virgin wearing red. She is usually pictured wearing blue an/or white. One exception is the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe where she is pictured wearing typical Aztec garb.
I would say the closest matching shade of navy blue you can find, or a "nude" or "tan" shade.
she's like totally preggas!
The normal color of vestments during Advent is violet. However, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8) white and blue vestments may be worn in honor of the Virgin Mary.
It Depends What Shade Of Blue It Is But I Would recommend Either Sandals or blue vans
Either blue or red depending on what story you are talking about
Roman Catholic AnswerWhite is the color for the Solemnity of Christ the King. Gold or Silver may be substituted.
Almost certainly you would be a Catholic, although sometimes people wear them for no specific religious reason.
It's unknown as to what colour clothing Our Lady wore, while she was on Earth.
I have never seen an image of the Blessed Virgin wearing red. She is usually pictured wearing blue an/or white. One exception is the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe where she is pictured wearing typical Aztec garb.
Yes you can but depends on what shade the brown is and if the jeans are light wash then dont wear em