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Monks and nuns are cloistered religious, and, as such, do not normally leave their monastery. The biggest thing that monks and nuns have provided in the way of "social services" would be education, they were really the first public education provided to the laity. They, also, in their Scriptoriums kept literature alive by their saving copies of many works of antiquity which otherwise would have been completely lost to us.

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Rafaela Morissette

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Q: What service did monks and nuns provide?
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Who does the monks and nuns job naw?

Monks and nuns do the monks' and nuns' jobs now.

What do you call monks?

You just call Monks Monks and Nuns Nuns. They don't have any other names.

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Both priests and monks/nuns are dedicated to spiritual pursuits and service to others. However, priests typically serve within a specific religious community and are ordained to perform sacraments, while monks/nuns live a communal life devoted to prayer, meditation, and service without necessarily being ordained to perform sacraments. Monks/nuns often live in monasteries or convents, while priests serve in churches or other religious institutions.

What is the large church with a group of building occupied by a community of monks or nuns?

Monks - monastery. Nuns - convent.

Are there Buddhist nuns or only Buddhist monks?

Yes, there are Buddhist nuns as well as monks. They're known as Bhikkhuni.

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Monks and nuns spread Byzantine influence through their missionary work.

What is a house for monks or nuns?

monasteries- the dwelling place of a community of monks

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What social services did monks and nuns provide?

Monks and nuns are cloistered religious, and, as such, do not normally leave their monastery. The biggest thing that monks and nuns have provided in the way of "social services" would be education, they were really the first public education provided to the laity. They, also, in their Scriptoriums kept literature alive by their saving copies of many works of antiquity which otherwise would have been completely lost to us.

What is a building for a community of nuns and monks?

A religious community of nuns is a convent.

What do women buddhist wear?

First off Buddhists include both lay people and Monks and Nuns. It is very similar to the Catholic Church in that manner. Buddhists Monks and Nuns dedicated their life to attaining enlightenment and service to others whereas lay people have jobs and families while practicing Buddhism. Therefore, when it comes to lay Buddhists, we were whatever we want as appropriate to the situation (work versus play, etc). Monks and Nuns typically wear robes.