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The minor prophets (minor because their books are short, while the major prophets books are long).

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Q: What section of the Old Testament is Jonah in?
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Related questions

Where is the book of Jonah written?

In the old testament

How many chapters are in Jonah?

The book of jonah in the old testament has only 4 chapters.

What was the covenant between god and Jonah old testament?


What scripture in the bible talks about Jonah and the big fish?

When the bible talks about Jonah and the big fish, it is in the book Jonah in the old testament.

Where can you find the book of Micah?

In the Old Testament between Jonah & Nahum

Book preceding Obadiah in the old testament?

The book preceding Obadiah in the Old Testament is the Book of Amos.

Did Jonah from the old testament have two daughters?

he had 5 daughters and 6 sons

Allusion for Jonah and the big fish?

Story of Jonah and the large fish can be found in the book of Jonah in the Old Testament (Jonah 1:17 - 2:10). The book of Jonah is included in the collection of Twelve Minor Prophets from Hosea to Malachi.

What is the shorter books in Old Testament?

Not all Old Testament books are wordy and lengthy. There are some Old Testament books that are short, sweet and to the point. Some short Old Testament books are: Obadiah, Nahum, Haggai, Nahum, and Jonah.

What section is the Proverbs found in?

The Old Testament.

How many books in the Old Testament stars with the letter j?

The following books of the Old Testament begin with the letter "J" JOSHUA JUDGES JOB JEREMIAH JOEL JONAH

Where is Jonah primarily found in scripture?

In the book of Jonah in the Old Testament, but also a few times as used by Jesus as an analogy of Himself being in the grave three days, just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale.