Nor is it significant at all that the date is not known as the fact of both Jesus' birth and death and glorious resurrection are more important to the writers and their meaning, not the actual date. This was common practice for ancient writers -to only focus on key events in a life or in the history of a nation. In any case, September would be autumn in Israel.
**Scripturally, John the Baptist was born six months before Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). John's father, Zechariah, served in the temple with the 8th division ('division of Abijah') just before John was conceived(Luke 1:5, 8-25, 1 Chronicles 24:7-18), meaning John was born in late March 2BCE .
Six months later, Jesus was born Sept-Oct, 2BCE.
**Another way to figure scripturally is this: Jesus was 30 when he started his ministry (Luke 3:23). He preached for three and a half years, and died at Passover around April, A.D. 33. Count back six months, and it brings you to his birth month of Sept/October.
AnswerHe was born in the Feast of Tabernacles or the Festival of Booths (SUKKOT). This is one of the Feastdays mandated by G-D for all Israel to observe annually. Jews, even, today are required to build a "sukka" or temporary booth/shelter close on three sides and open to the skies. They can sleep, eat or lounge inside throughout the night. Yeshua was probably birthed in one of those "sukkas" at that time. All male Jews are also required to make the pilgrimage to the Temple at this time. One of three required annual pilgrimages.John Chapter 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and tabernacled* among us And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us
tabernacled* : the actual word used here was sukkotai. Sukkot is a noun word, yet in this verse it was turn into a verb the only time it was used as such.
As far as I can tell, the Bible is silent on this.
Most good Encyclopedias and many modern scholars will clearly state that birth of Jesus could not have been in Winter - December 25th. They will note the account in Luke 2 with Shepherds still watching over their flocks in the fields. The weather in Israel is the same today as it was then and for sheep to be in the field it could not be later than late Autumn.
A general consensus is that Jesus was born mid-September to mid-October 5-4 BC. This is the timeframe for God's Holy Day . Traditionally, Jesus was born on either the Holy Day of ' Yom Kippur' [that is, the Day of Atonement], or Feast of Trumpets. Jesus' 2nd Coming will be announced by the blast of the 7th Trumpet. Coincidence?
"The exact date of Christ's birth is not known," says the Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. Still, millions of professed Christians around the globe celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25. Although the Bible does not give a specific date for Jesus' birth, it does provide evidence that he was not born in December. Also, from secular evidence we can learn why December 25 was adopted as the date for celebrating his birth. Jesus was born in the Judean city of Bethlehem. Luke's Gospel reports: "There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks." (Luke 2:4-8) This was not unusual. "The flocks had to spend the greater part of the year in the open air," says the book Daily Life in the Time of Jesus. But would the shepherds be outside with their flocks on a cold December night? The book says: "They passed the winter under cover; and from this alone it may be seen that the traditional date for Christmas, in the winter, is unlikely to be right, since the Gospel says that the shepherds were in the fields."
Nobody knows the time of year or day when Jesus was born, or even the year. Many indications come up with 7 BC or 4 BC, but it's not definite. December 25th was just chosen as the day to celebrate his birth.
God, our Father in Heaven could see just how evil His children had become. Rather than have them die in their sins he sent His first born son to earth to atone for their sins. Before Christ died He gave us His gospel as a guide as to how Father would have us live so that we might return to His presence.
we recognize him being born on Christmas so i would say winter
Christians celebrate his birth on Christmas Day but no one can say exactly when he was born, even the year is in doubt. It was initially decided that Christmas should be celebrated on December the 25th to coincide with either the winter solstice or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (a Roman festival literally 'Festival of the invincible god Sol' (Sol is the Sun itself, not to be confused with Apollo) to make the religion more appealing to non-Christians.
The only Biblical reference to the birth of Jesus was "... when shepherds watched their flocks by night..." However, the only time of the year when shepherds spend all night in the fields was during the lambing season, when the baby lambs are born. This is typically in the early spring, late March to early April.
No. The gospel accounts of Jesus' birth do no mention any season.
Well advent calenders are all about baby Jesus and his birth also when he was born.
Season 07|Episode 02
a ending is the sun wiil
The season is called Lent.
It falls within the Christmas Season and marks the end of that season.
Jesus was not born in a inn he was born in a manger.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Jesus Montero is 24 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Jesus Sucre is 26 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Jesus Aguilar is 24 years old.