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AnswerThe Book of Exodus does not mention a name, merely saying a sea. But if the Exodus really happened, then the Israelites would have had to cross the Red Sea. Because of geographic realities, the 'sea' has always been assumed to be the Red Sea.

In modern times, some have suggested the Sea of Reeds, a small, very shallow (less than 1 metre deep) lake system. However, this is only an attempt to find a more plausible body of water, about which debate could be had regarding the ability of a strong wind to temporarily separate the water. The problem with this hypothesis is, if God can perform a miracle of parting the water, why can he only part the waters of a marsh, but not those of a deep gulf?

In fact, there probably was no sea, because there is no evidence that the Exodus ever took place. The respected Israeli archaeologist, Israel Finkelstein says that over 90 per cent of scholars believe that the Exodus from Egypt never happened.

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Q: What sea did the Israelites cross after they left the Pharaoh. What is probably the real name for this?
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