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Matthew 3 v3 Matthew 7 v14 Matthew 22 v9 Matthew 10 v5 13 v4 20v17 acts 8 v26 mark 11v8

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Q: What scriptures have the word road in it?
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393 scriptures mention, or contain, the word love.

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he took the word of God. scriptures.

What are the scriptures of Christianity called... This word has to have an i and an l in it. The word is letters?

Answer: The Bible.

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Where is the word tongue in the scriptures?

1Corinthians 13:1

What is Granthas?

Grantha means BOOK and is used for scriptures in India, specially Sikh scriptures. A usage similar to the word "Bible".


I believe that "sacrifice" is a fairly common topic, and that it will appear in the scriptures of many different religions.

What road did Jesus Christ meet the disciples?

Jesus met the disciples on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a village about 7 miles away. On this road, Jesus prevented his disciples from recognizing him in order that they might believe in him according to the scriptures rather than based on his physical recognition. Once they did recognize him in the scriptures and broke bread with him, their eyes were opened to recognize him for who he truly was, and they remarked about how their hearts burned when he opened to them the scriptures. This account is found in Luke 24:13-49.

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word road?

The Kikuyu word for the English word road is "barabara."