No one. The incident is not in Scripture
Scripture contains no record of Jesus teaching about colors.
Jesus cleaned the temple only once. When he made a rope and chased the animals from the temple and overturned the money changer and their tables.
He was in the temple reading and debating scripture with the rabbis and elders.
Luke 2:41-52
The temple was the place for the offering of sacrifices. Maybe you are thinking of the synagogue. Jesus was not debating, he was sitting listening to the teachers and asking them questions. Where does the Scripture say this was not allowed?
At jesus time scripture were read from schrolls.
Different Christian denominations and theological perspectives have varying beliefs on this topic. Some believe that the Temple must be rebuilt before Jesus returns, while others do not see it as a requirement. Ultimately, the timing and specifics of Jesus' return are not clear in the Bible.
Jesus was presented in the temple to the priest Simon, as he was dedicated there.
Jesus was found in the temple in Jerusalem, known as the Temple of Jerusalem or the Temple of Solomon.
No he fulfilled it
Jesus did not rebuild the temple.