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The Head of the Church is Jesus Christ, but the Queen is the 'supreme governor' of the Church of England, under God, which means that she is the figurehead and leader of the church. The spiritual leader is the Archbishop of Canterbury, currently Rowan Williams.

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Q: What role does the queen hold in the Anglican Church?
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What special role does Queen Elizabeth II hold in the Anglican Church?

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is "Defender of the Faith" and Supreme Governor of the Church of England i.e., the Anglican Communion. She is the ecclesiastical superior of the Archbishop of Canterbury. This answer is from under "Queen Elizabeth II".

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The roles of males in the Anglican Church is that most of the leadership roles in the church was restricted to them. The were expected to play the major role in all of the church activities.

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The Queen is head of the Church of England. This dates back to Henry the eighth when he broke away from the Catholic church and proclaimed himself as head of the Church of England.

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Church of England, Anglican. It should be noted that Queen Elizabeth is immensely religious and ecumenical and has audiences- really summits- with several popes over her long reign.AnswerHM the Queen is actually a member of the Church of England and her role is that of Supreme Governor of the Church of England (a role that automatically is bestowed on the monarch).As Supreme Governor, under Christ, of the Church of England, it does mean that, constitutionally, she cannot ever convert to Catholicism, nor can her successors as monarchs do so, nor can they ever marry a Catholic. This is because the Catholic Church will insist that any children from that union (and hence a future monarch) would be brought up Catholic. This would place the monarch in an untenable position being a Catholic and also Supreme Governor of another denomination.However, some of the lower orders of the Royal Family have married Catholics, but, in doing so some have had to relinquish their claim to the throne.

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Queen Elizabeth I played a significant role in the Protestant Reformation in England. She established the Church of England, which separated from the authority of the Pope and embraced Protestant beliefs. Elizabeth implemented religious policies that sought to bring stability to the nation and mitigate the religious conflicts that had plagued England during her predecessors' reigns. Her religious settlement and support for the Protestant cause helped solidify England as a Protestant nation.

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Christchurch is named after Christ Church in the city of Oxford, England. This name was chosen by early settlers in honor of the cathedral that plays a significant role in the history of the Anglican Church.

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Why did the Catholic Church have a influence in the Queens life?

I assume you are referring to Queen Elizabeth II. She is a deeply religious woman and very much cosmopolitan and to use the term- Ecumenical. It is know She has had summits with at least Three Popes- over her long reign. This is to be commended. Both Episcopalian and Catholic churches retain their autonomy- but there does seem to be a rapprochement- beyond a mere detente . Credit this to Elizabeth II.AnswerIn addition to the above, it should be clarified that the Queen is not an Episcopalian. The Episcopalian Church of the USA is a separate church within the Anglican Communion. However, it is in full communion with the rest of the Anglican Church. HM the Queen is actually a member of the Church of England - a separate Anglican Church from the Episcopalians, but her role, as Supreme Governor of the Church of England (a role that automatically is bestowed on the monarch) means that any meetings with popes makes these occasions all the more poignant.As Supreme Governor, under Christ, of the Church of England, it does mean that ,constitutionally, she cannot ever convert to Catholicism, nor can her successors as monarchs do so, nor can they marry a Catholic. This is because the Catholic Church will insist that any children from that union (and hence a future monarch) would be brought up Catholic. This would place the monarch in an untenable position being a Catholic and also Supreme Governor of another denomination.That said, I echo the first answer in that the queen (and it seems likely hat prince Charles and Prince William will follow her lead) is very ecumenical in her outlook and belief - she regards herself rightly as a Christian first, and any denominational label simply that - a man-made label. And in that respect she often consults with Catholic leaders in Britain as well as the Anglican archbishops. And I believe that when Cardinal Basil Hume was alive, he was a frequent visitor to the palace and, along with her archbishops, and especially the Archbishop of Canterbury, provided the Queen with sound advice and guidance in spiritual matters.