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Quran plays an important role in Islam and is well respected by Muslims. Qura is the holy book of Islam religion and real God words revealed to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril). Reciting Quran by Muslims is an important worship that provides Muslims with peace and comfort and brings them closer to God. In addition, Quran:

  • Calls for worship of Allah (God), the one and only one God, with no partner and no companion and no son
  • corrects previous faiths and previous holy book texts from alterations introduced by human
  • describes ritual worship and relevant obligations
  • sets God commands as for what to do and what not to do
  • lays down basis for true faith and right path to God
  • states tales of old nations for gaining lessons for true faith and good life
  • gives scientific statements that were only validated by current technologies and discoveries to provide evidences on the authenticity and miracle of Quran as God revelation and not human written text.
  • reminds with the Day of Judgment to be prepared for it, and
  • describes the 2nd life and the paradise and hell fire.
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I would have to say that the Qur'an is doctrine of Laws in which one should live by. being The Word of Islamic Muslims to know and read Qur'an.

Muslims Have one GOD which they must surrender Allah they also expected to pray 5 times a day;They are expected to give money to the poor; and must fast for one one month of a year at a certain time.Muslims travel in special clothing to the Kabah shrine, a shrine that is built around what is believed to be a divine meteorite that was sent from heaven. These are all practices that come from the Qur'an. They believe because the person of Jesus Christ is the incarnate word of God, that The Bible has absolute authority. Similarly, Muslims value the Qur'an with the same weight. The impact of the Qur'an is socially and spiritually integral to being a Muslim.

The book is filled with the law for onduct in which the Muslim people remain scared.

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10y ago

The Qur'an plays a very significant role in the lives of faithful Muslims. This serves as the guidance's on how to live on earth in harmony with each other. It is the same as what the bible is for Christians.

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12y ago


  • teaches them the ritual worships and the relevant rules
  • guides Muslims to the right path to God
  • teaches them good morals
  • teaches them to respect non Muslims and that no compulsion in religion
  • sets the rules of human life for marriage, divorce, contracts. ... etc

Quran is simply a life system for Muslims that leads them to good life in both lives, the current life and the 2nd eternal life after death.

For more details refer to relevant questions below.

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last prophet and messenger. and the only prophet besides Isa (pbbuh) [jesus] to not pray for somethign bad to happen to the people who caused harm to him and didnt follow him.

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Q: What role does the Qur'an play in the lives of faithful Muslims?
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What role does Qur'an play in the lives of faithful Muslims?

The Qur'an plays a very significant role in the lives of faithful Muslims. This serves as the guidance's on how to live on earth in harmony with each other. It is the same as what The Bible is for Christians.

What role does the Qur'an play in the live of faithful Muslims?

The Qur'an plays a very significant role in the lives of faithful Muslims. This serves as the guidance's on how to live on earth in harmony with each other. It is the same as what The Bible is for Christians.

Why does the quran play a central role in the lives of Muslims?

The Quran is believed to be the literal word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It serves as the ultimate source of guidance and moral teachings for Muslims, providing instructions on how to live a pious and righteous life. Due to its divine origin, the Quran holds immense spiritual significance and authority in the lives of Muslims.

What governs all aspects of muslims' lives?

The primary governing authority in the lives of Muslims is the Quran, which is considered the holy book and source of guidance. Additionally, the teachings and example of Prophet Muhammad, known as the Hadith, also play a significant role in shaping Muslim beliefs and practices. Islamic law, known as Sharia, further provides a framework for personal and communal conduct, covering areas such as worship, ethics, family matters, and societal interactions.

What do Muslims do in their free time?

Read Quran (Muslims Holy book)Some read Quran while others are allowed to do anything that Allah swt did not forbid us from doing.Most Muslims, in their free time, do whatever Non-Muslims would do in their free time, such as: hang out with friends, walk in the park, play computer games, travel to other cities and countries, have dinners with their friends and extended families, go to waterparks and amusement parks, smoke shisha, etc.

What role do quran and sunna play in Muslim life?

Working out all the details of the life of Muslims as they are the two major sources of laws & recommendations in Islam. Refer to the related question for more details.

What role do the Quran and sunna play in Muslim life?

Working out all the details of the life of Muslims as they are the two major sources of laws & recommendations in Islam. Refer to the related question for more details.

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The game never asks or checks your religion, anyone can play it.

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What role do the quran and the sunna play in the Muslim daily life?

Quran and Sunnah set the rules for morals, marriage/divorce, finanicial activities, ... etc. Refer to related questions below.