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Prayer is very central to Judaism. Jews pray three times a day- in the morning, before sunset and after dark.

We also have special prayers to say before going to sleep.

A Jew should also pray whenever he or she feels a need to thank G-d or ask G-d for anything.

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According to our tradition, it was God who gave us the Torah (Exodus ch.19), which is the central pillar of Judaism.

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Formally speaking, Jews stopped making pilgrimages in the year 70 because the Imperial Roman army destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. Prior to that, Jews made pilgrimages to make sacrifices at the Temple. The sacrificial ritual involved saying a number of blessings. Today, when Jews make informal pilgrimages, the prayer ritual during such a trip is no different than the daily, weekly and annual cycle of prayers for a Jew who is not making such a trip, except that, upon arriving in Israel, there is a brief prayer of Thanksgiving to be said. (The same thanksgiving prayer is said on many other occasions.)

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