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Mary, the MOTHER of GOD, did not sin ONCE in her entire life. She is, other than Jesus, the only perfect human to walk this earth. She is the Queen of heaven, and is higher than other humans, because she is the only one to accept the responsibility of raising the son of God, and to do so without sin. I would say that's pretty significant.

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Q: What role does Mary have in Heaven?
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Since Mary has already undergone judgement and has been assumed into heaven, she will continue to be in heaven.

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Because in Revelation chapter 12, it begins off with the Gates of Heaven being opened & Mary being revealed.

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It is believed that the Virgin Mary was assumed body and soul into Heaven.

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it was mary since she had the asumption into heaven and jesus brought her up from the dead and she went to heaven

What happened to Virgin Mary mother of Jesus Christ?

Because God in heaven chose her to be the mother of Jesus

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Traditionally celebrated August 15, the Assumption of Mary is the day when Catholics celebrate Mary's assumption into Heaven. She did not die and get buried; she was assumed into Heaven.

What year did Mary's mother died?

Mary didn't die. She was assumed Body & Soul into Heaven.