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The era of exploration and expansion was driven by many factors which included religion. The Europeans tried to bring Christianity as the universal faith. The pope also played an important role in this.

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12y ago

The Virginia, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and New Hampshire Colonies were founded by Calvinists with governments orgainzed according to Calvinist principles. Plymouth was settled by Arminians a religion that combined Calvinism and Lutheranism. Quakers started Pennsylvania, Catholics started Maryland, Nobility started the Carolinas, and the poverty stricken settled Georgia.

In 1648 the 100 years war ended in Europe. As the lines between the religions had changed, a number of both Protestants and Catholics had to flee. They fled to all parts of the 13 colonies. Rhode Island welcomed Catholics. Pennsylvania welcomed Germans of all stripes. Many German Baptists settled there.

Most places had a church tax to support the official church. Every person had to pay 2 shillings a year or something like that to support the king's official church. No one had to go to church, they just had to pay to support the church.

The next big religious exodus from Europe came with the defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie's army in Scotland. Most of them were Catholic. They had the choice of hang or come to America and promise to defend the English throne. They chose the latter. Thus a large number of Catholics came to America.

About this time something happened in Europe. The followers of Fenelon and Theresa of Avila had to flee for their lives. While those two authors were Roman Catholics, their followers were both Protestants and Catholics. Refugees filled England. They went from there to America.

Thus, different groups of people came from Europe. They brought their religion with them. Very little home made religion caught on in America until after the Revolutionary war.

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