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Constantine (under the influence of his mother) imposed the Christianity in the Roman Empire - the so-called Edict from Milan, in 313.

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Q: What role did Constantine play in eventual acceptance of Christianity?
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What role did Roman empire play in the movement of Christianity throughout the ancient Mediterranean world?

When Constantine converted Christian, then Christianity became a state religion for the Roman Empire.

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Outcasts in Ibo land played a significant role in the spread of Christianity. These individuals, who were marginalized by traditional society, were often more receptive to the Christian message of acceptance and equality. By converting to Christianity, outcasts found a sense of belonging and became key players in introducing the faith to their communities.

What kind of role did Constantine play to the Roman Empire?

Emperor Constantine was totally against Christianity and did all in his power to stop the spread of Christianity. Emperor Constantine was however eventually baptized against his will while he was on his deathbed.

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How did christaninty play a role in the roman empire?

Christianity was endorsed by the emperors in the Later Roman Empire. All but one of the emperors after Constantine the Great were Christians. The co-emperors Gratian and Theodosius I made mainstream Christianity the state religion of the empire. Theodosius I also persecuted dissident Christian doctrines, tighten and added to anti-pagan laws which previous emperors had introduced, destroyed pagan temples and shrines and persecuted the pagans. Christianity became the dominant religion of the empire.

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Loki doesn't have a role in Christianity. Loki was/is the NORSE god of mischief.

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Himself, Creon is the tragic hero in this play and it is his actions that create his eventual suffering.

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just play multilayer for along time an you will eventual get all of them

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Monasteries were places where monks studied christian works and they preserved and promoted the ideas and beliefs of Christianity.

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The role that the disciples played in the development of Christianity included establishment of the church such as that began by Peter.

What role did the Edict of Milan play in the history of the Catholic Church?

A:It is possible to exaggerate the importance of the Edict of Milan to the Christian Church, since it had already been granted official recognition by the Edict of Toleration. Emperor Constantine's Edict of Milan went further by granting additional rights to the Christian Church, including compensation for expropriated properties. However, the rights granted in the Edict of Milan come in the context of Constantine's patronage of the Church, which was of far greater value, both financially and spiritually, than the Edict of Milan. What the Edict did do was demonstrate throughout the Roman Empire the extent to which Constantine was prepared to favour Christianity over the more ancient beliefs.