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Q: What river did jesus float down?
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Why does the float time of a river increase or decrease?

hi there the reason for this is if you are mesuring the float time near the source of the river then it will take longer because the river needs to build up velocity as the river travels down steam is you take you data near the mouth of the river that float time will be shorter because the river velocity will have increased in speed i hope i helped out.

Why did people float bread down river after some one died?

Cultural tradition.

What was the flatboat named that 48 settlers used to float down the Ohio River?

The Mayflower..

Was Jesus floated down the river as a baby?

No, the story of Jesus being floated down the river as a baby is not part of traditional Christian beliefs. In the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and later traveled to Egypt to escape King Herod's persecution.

What do you do with the Beaver on the bridge in Animal Crossing City Folks?

just talk to him then watch him float down the river

What is a float trip?

this is when you and your buddies get innertubes (1 for each of you important not a good idea for more than 1 person to get on 1) go up river and float down river whether for site seeing or fishing yay

How was the Nile river use for trading?

people would put their stuff in boats float it down the river and sale the stuff

If you were able to float down the river Nile what sea would you end up in?

The Mediterranean Sea in north-east Egypt.

Where does the po river in Italy float?

it flows in the Amazon river

How do you create your own mardi gras float?

for celebrating poseiden god of the sea they would have floats on the ground instead of barges down a river

How did Jesus get to the Jordan River?

Jesus walked.

Tell you about the Baptizam of Jesus in the River Jordan?

The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan is a significant event in Christian belief, symbolizing Jesus' acceptance of his role as the Son of God. According to the Gospels, John the Baptist baptized Jesus, and upon emerging from the water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove, with a voice from heaven proclaiming Jesus as God's beloved Son. This event marks the beginning of Jesus' public ministry.