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Q: What religious leader was called the enlightened one?
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When guatama began to teach what he learned what was he called which means enlightened one?

He was called the 'Buddha' which means (the) enlightened one.

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Judaism has not had one central religious leader in almost 2,000 years.

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Budda or enlightened one

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The witch doctor in a tribe. Which was the religious leader, political leader, and the one who uses evil magic to heal which they have to pay the price later.

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Jesus of Nazareth is the religious leader who trained as a carpenter and taught that the kingdom of God was one of faith.

What is the term means enlightened one?

The Buddha means enlightened one.

What is the term that means the enlightened one?

The Buddha means enlightened one.

Who is the enlightened one in Buddihism?

anyone who is enlightened or awoken to reality

What was the original Buddha's original name?

The Buddha was originally named Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in Kapilvastu, a small village in Nepal. After his enlightenment he was called by the honorific "Buddha" or the enlightened/awakened one.

Who is a religious leader?

One who is defined by the denomination they are in and this will vary at different times.

What is enlightened awareness in Zen called?

Achieving enlightened awareness in Zen is called 'awakening,' because it's somewhat like waking up from a dreaming sleep. Anyone who is awake has realized one's True Self or Buddha Nature. .

What is a religious leader in Buddhism?

They could be called:* Rinpoche (Precious one)* Lama * Abbot (in charge of a lamasery) * Master * Shabdrung* Teacher (Sensi) * Brother * Tulku * Gelongma