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The simple answer is that the Old Testament was "written" by Jewish people, and the New Testament was "written" by Christians, but historically, the bible was likely first written in (languages, not religions, sorry) sanskrit, translated to greek, then to latin, and then into modern languages, with adaptations given by different sects.

Incidentally, there are three major religions grounded in parts of the bible, typically referred to by scholars as Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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12y ago

catholic church is not the answer, in my opinion.

It would be Judaism.

Moses, a Hebrew, went up to Mount Sinai and received the Commandments from God Almighty himself.

According to most Bibles, Moses was the author of the first books of the Torah, or OLD Testament.

The followers of Jesus The Christ did not write the NEW Testament until after the death of Jesus. Therefore, Judaism would be the answer to the question, in my opinion, not the catholic church.

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11y ago

The Old Testament comes from the writings of people of the Jewish faith.

The New Testament comes from the writing of people of the Christian faith.

The two are brought together because Christ is the fulfillment of the prophesies made by God to the Jews as documented in the Old Testament.

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