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I believe that it is Hinduism, though mediums, psychics and clairvoyants mention chakra or something very similar.

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Q: What religion is Chakra?
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In Hindu religion 1 of seven centres of spiritual power in the human body?

One of them is Chakra.

Ashok chakra stands for in Indian flag?

The Chakra in the Indian flag is important because in some parts of India, the religion relates to the Chakra. At the end of their pray, they look at the Chakra and leave the room or temple they pray in.

What religion wears a red spot on their for head?

The religion is Hinduism and it is a symbol of the "chakra" or third eye which is supposed to be a spiritually enlightened part of the body that is awakened during meditation.

Is Pein made up of chakra?

He is not made of chakra. It is just that he emits chakra to control his 6 paths or bodies. The bodies then receive the chakra through chakra recievers.

How do you say Chakra in Japanese?

chakra is chakra in japaneese, the word is already in japaneese

What chakra is red?

Kundalini chakra.

With what Kidney is associated chakra?

6th chakra

Is the nine tail chakra real?

Chakra is believed to be real but no the tails chakra isn't real.

What is the birth name of Gianluca Chakra?

Gianluca Chakra's birth name is Gianluca Romolo Chakra.

What is the name of the Chakras in Norwegian?

Norwegian uses the Sanskrit terms as the 'official' names for the chakras (ex. Sahasrara), but the common terms are normally translated as follows:Mooladhara: rotchakra, basechakra (root or base chakra)Swadistana: seksual-chakra, måne-chakra (sexual or moon chakra)Manipura: navle-chakra (navel chakra)Anahata: hjerte-chakra (heart chakra)Vishuddhi: hals-chakra (throat chakra)Ajna: det tredje øye (the third eye)Sahasrara: krone-chakra, visdoms-chakra (crown or wisdom chakra)Source: Related link.These are not everyday terms, but will be known to people familiar with New Age or alternative medicine.

Is Pein mad of chakura?

He is not made of chakra. It is just that he emits chakra to control his 6 paths or bodies. The bodies then receive the chakra through chakra recievers.

What kind of chakra does Sasuke have?

If you're talking about chakra type, then sasuke's chakra type is lightning and fire.