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clergies have different religions

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Q: What religion has no clergy?
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George Whitefield belonged to the clergy of which religion?

The Angelican religion :)

What is true about clergy from all denominations?

Clergy from all denominations are (typically) ordained in their particular religion.

In the Jewish religion what is the rabbi?

Teacher and clergy person

What is the name for the clergy in the Animism religion?

The religious authority in the religion of animism is called a shaman.

Is clergy a branch of government?

No, the clergy is not a branch of government. In the US, there is the separation of church and state. This means that there is no official national religion, and that religion cannot play a part in government affairs.

Can any clergy person perform any religion?

No. Some clergy are cross-functional within very closely related religious sects, but primarily you can only officiate in a religion if you are certified/ordained/appointed by that particular religion.

What does the clergy wear during the French Revolution?

During the French Revolution, Catholicism was the official religion of the French state. On those times, the clergy wore long white robes.

Is there a law that President Obama can appoint clergy?

No, there is no such law. America has a separation of church and state, which means religion and government are not supposed to mix. Of course, presidents can express their views about religious issues, (and clergy can express theirs about political issues) but it would be unconstitutional for any president, Mr. Obama included, to appoint members of the clergy. Each religion is responsible for that duty, and the government stays out of it.

Who makes up the ordained members of the Church?

You need to be more specific. Which religion? Each religion has its own leaders and many vary on what they consider ordination (with some having different levels). Which religion/denomination were you asking about?

What year did the puritan religion begin?

The Puritan religion began in the 1560s in Ireland. Puritanism was founded by some Marian exiles from the clergy shortly after the accession of Elizabeth I of England in 1558.

What has the author Mark Chaves written?

Mark Chaves has written: 'Ordaining Women' -- subject(s): Church history, Ordination of women, Religion and sociology, Women clergy, Women in Christianity 'American religion' -- subject(s): Religion

Something intresting about sir isaac newton?

Newton studied Religion as most universities were created to prepare the Clergy or Priests. Newton did not wish to be a clergy and got an exemption. Newton also studied Alchemy and the Ancient Egyptian science.