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Judaism. The Torah is the holiest text in Judaism. For more information on the Torah, see the Related Links.

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9y ago
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9y ago

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Judaism. The Torah is the holiest text in Judaism.

Answer 2

Torah is the holy book revealed by God to prophet Moses to call his people (the Jews) to worship God as the one and only one God with no partner and no associate. The religion is called Judaism.

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Lvl 5
3y ago

The origins of Judaism according to the current historical view, in contradistinction to the religious account as described in the text of the Hebrew Bible, lie in the Bronze Age amidst polytheistic ancient Semitic religions, specifically evolving out of Ancient Canaanite polytheism, then co-existing with Babylonian ...

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12y ago

Judaism. The Christian Bible also includes it but it is called the Pentateuch.

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12y ago

It depends which bible you are talking about. the most common religious connotation with the word 'bible' is with Christianity.

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8y ago

The Torah-scroll is part of Judaism. See also:

More about Torah-scrolls

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12y ago

Judaism regards the Torah as a Holy Book.

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6y ago

Judaism and Christianity

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Judaism IS a religion.

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Q: What religion does Judaism belong to?
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What religion was practiced by the Jews of Judea?

Judaism ... the religion of the Jewish People ... is comprisedof a single religion, known as "Judaism".Judaism ... the religion of the Jewish People ... is comprisedof a single religion, known as "Judaism".

Which religion pratices Judaism?

Judaism IS a religion.

What was the religion in judaism?

Judaism ... the religion of the Jewish People ... is comprised of a single religion, known as "Judaism".

What is the dominant religion of Judaism?

Judaism at 75% is the religion professed by most Israelis, but since Israel has no official state religion, it does not overwhelm politics.Judaism..

Is Judaism a centralised religion?

No, Judaism is not a centralised religion.

What religious faith do you belong to?

I never discuss religion with strangers - it's a good way to start an argument.Besides, I don't think your teacher wants to know MY religion.

Is Judaism a universalising or an ethnic religion?

Judaism is an ethnic religion.

Pictures of the leader of the judaism religion?

There is no leader of the Judaism religion.

Is Judaism a Hebrew religion?

Yes, Judaism is the Hebrew religion.

What religion does Mezuzah belong to?

The mezuzah, a small box which contains a prayer known as the shema written on parchment and is attached to doorposts, is part of the religion of Judaism (Deuteronomy ch.6).

What religions are in Judaism?

Judaism ... the religion of the Jewish People ... is comprised of a single religion, known as "Judaism".