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Since the Pharaoh's daughter "adopted" Moses, he was royalty. But then when Moses realized he was Jewish and wanted his people free, Pharaoh didn't like him / agree.

but don't worry

Moses got free

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God punished Moses by not allowing him to set foot on the promised land.

Actually, that's not what happened, God allowed Moses straight into Heaven as a reward, instead of going to the land of milk and honey, which would have been temporary before he died anyway.

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Numbers 12:3 calls Moses "… by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground . . ." and Deuteronomy 33:1 calls him ". . .the man of God .. ."

God spoke to him (Numbers 12:8) and knew him so thoroughly, that he sent him to Pharaoh as HIS representative,(Exodus 7:1), entrusting him 'with all His house' (Numbers 12:7, Hebrews 3:2+5)(Deuteronomy 34:10-12)

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Moses had a very close, intimate relationship with the God of the New Testament - Jesus. He was one of the two with Jesus in their transfigured appearance to the 3 Apostles. Like, Abraham, Moses was a friend of God - walking with Him.

Deuteronomy 34:10New King James Version (NKJV)

10 But since then there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,

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Prophet of GOD

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Q: What relationship did Moses have with God?
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What did Moses teach us about building a relationship with God?

Moses taught us that we should never give up in God

How was god's relationship with moses?

Wifi, you see they just had a special connection

How does Moses interact with God and the Israelites?

Moses had a very intimate and personal relationship with God. He gave up a life of luxury to follow Him. Moses angered Him a few times because he questioned Gods decision to choose Moses as his servant, but God listened to Moses like a true friend would, and gave him the help that he needed to do as God wished. Moses was also allowed to see God and speak to Him, face to face. God trusted Moses with His laws, with the safety of His people and the deliverance from Egypt. God also listened to Moses' prayer to save the children of Israel, even though they complained against him.

Was Moses a god?

No. Moses was man. God is God and not man (Hosea 11:9).

How does God use Moses to better the relationship between God and Israel?

Defintion of believing: One of your five senses aquires knowledge and you decide it to be true to the point of doing. Definition of faith: None of your five senses aquire knowledge yet you know it to be truth. There was no faith before Chirst rose from the dead. Moses believed everything God said to him and did what he was told to do. He obeyed God always. God was able to bless Israel because of Moses' belief in God and in His word. When Israel fled and came to the Red Sea Moses asked God for help. God told him to raise his arms and hold them up. Moses believed what God said and did it and thusly Israel was able to pass the Red Sea. After the people witnessed this miracle they praised God, which pleased God and bettered their relationship. "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16)

Is moses a son of god?

No. Moses was not a son of God according to the Old Testament

How does god communicate with Moses?

The first time God speaks to Moses, Moses hears the voice of God coming from a burning bush that is not comsumed by the flames

Was akhenaten Moses?

Not likely, as Akhenaten's god was the sun, whereas Moses' God Is Spirit.

How did Moses learned about god?

moses learned about God when a bush was on fire but not consumed. God said "I am the God of your father and the father of his father."

Is Moses the Jewish god?

No. God is the Jewish God.

How was Moses able to develop a rapport with God without quaking in fear of Him?

Of course Moses feared God. Fear of God is one part of a righteous personality and Moses was the greatest servant of God (Numbers ch.12, Deuteronomy ch.34).See also the Related Link.More about Moses

Why Moses chossen God?

Moses was chosen by God to see that Pharaoh released the Hebrew slaves.