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Q: What prophet priest told the people that god would purify those who remained true to him and would shepherd them back for exile to the promised land?
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Who is the prophet that said God would shepherd his people back to the promised land?


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The prophet priest told the people that God would purify those who remained true to him?


Why did the people in ancient Egypt leave?

The people who left were the Hebrews. They left to be free in the Promised Land. The native Egyptians remained behind.

What prophet had promised that the Holy Spirit would be poured out onto the people?

Joel. See Acts 2:16-21.

What is promised to Islamic people?

Paradise (jannah). _______________________________________________________ They are promised to live safely and securely in their first life and to be accepted in God paradise in the second life. However, this promise is valid to Muslims; not just as Muslims; but if they follow sincerely Quran and prophet Muhammad teachings and morals .

Pharaoh was shepherd and defender of his people?

Yes, the pharaoh was definitely the shepherd of his people. As the shepherd of the people, a part of the job is to maintain and protect his "flock" so to speak.

What were the occupation of the bible authors?

Paul was a tent maker. Samuel was a prophet. I'm not sure being a prophet is an 'occupation', but I imagine that people would have given goods to Samuel. Isaiah was a prophet of the kings and likely was taken care of by royalty. Moses was a shepard, but spent most of his minstry walking around the desert. Amos was a shepherd. Incomplete I know, but give you an idea

Where was the land that God promised the Hebrews?

The land promised to the people was Canaan.

What happened to the people who had remained loyal to great Britain?

The people remained in the United States.

When Jesus was born who did people think he was?

Many, such as the wise men and shepherd's, knew he was special because of the star but thought he was just a prophet of God. No-one but Mary and Joseph, who were spoken to by angels, knew he was really the son of God.

Why is israel called the promised land?

Because it was promised by God. He promised it to the Israelites (Genesis 26:1-5).Answer:Because God saw the Israelites were suffering in Egypt (Exodus ch.1). That is why He gave them the Promised Land (Exodus ch.3) and called them His people.