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it is Abraham and he was not a prophet, he was a righteous and pious man that was a believer in the same god that Jews believe in. not Allah(Arab god) or Jesus but rather jehova

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Q: What prophet do they all Christianity Judaism and Islam believe in descended from?
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What early religion did Islam descend from?

Islam is an Abrahamic religion, and thus has its roots in Judaism and is connected to Christianity, as they all worship the same god. Islam originated with the prophet Muhammad, who Muslims believe to be a prophet of the god of Abraham.

Does Islam draw on both Christianity and Judaism?

Yes. According to the Muslim belief, Islam is the continuation of Judaism and Christianity. The Muslims believe in all the Prophets (May peace be upon them all). Islam and Judaism both spring from Hazrat Abraham (AS) and his descendant Prophets. The Jews don't believe Jesus Christ (AS) to be a Prophet but the Muslims believe that he was a true Prophet of Almighty God. The Jews don't believe in the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) but the Muslims believe in all the Prophets the Jews believe in.

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How do the views of Jesus differ between Judaism Christianity and Islam?

Christianity: Son of God (Messiah) Islam: Prophet Judaism: False messiah

Who are the 3 religions believed that Moses was a prophet of god?

Islam, Judaism and Christianity

Why is Abraham the main prophet in Judaism?

Abraham is not the main prophet of Judaism. Abraham was not regarded as a prophet. Judaism, unlike Christianity and Islam, does not have a main prophet. Moses is often considered the greatest prophet because of his achievement and his closeness to God. All prophets after Moses are said to have only glimpsed what Moses saw.

How are Christianity and Judaism in common?

Both believe in the same, one true God. However, Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and came to save us all from sin, while Jewish believe that he was only a prophet.

How are Christianity and Judaism common?

Both believe in the same, one true God. However, Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and came to save us all from sin, while Jewish believe that he was only a prophet.

Who was the last prophet to Israel?

St. John the Baptist according to Christianity. Malachi according to Judaism.

What is the difference between the Christianity's and the Muslim religion you heard that Muslim came from Christianity?

Islam began when the Prophet Muhammad received a vision from God, encouraging him to spread a divergent system of beliefs. The main difference between Christianity and Islam is that Muslims don't believe that Jesus was the son of God. However, unlike Judaism, they do believe he was a prophet divinely gifted by God. Beyond that, Muslims and Christians have many of the same central beliefs.

Who are some of judaism religion's important figures?

Prophet Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, David, Solomon all were Prophets in Judaism, Christianity and Islam