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For the book of Romans, Paul introduces himself as the author at the beginning of the letter. As for the book of Hebrews, it is not known for a fact that Paul was the author, because the name of the author is not given in the Biblical text. However, Paul is a distinct possibility.

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Romans 1:1 actually tells us that Paul wrote this epistle: "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God ..." Of course, this is only a claim and, by looking at 1 Timothy 1:1, we can see that a similar claim is made in what is what scholars almost universally understand to be pseudepigraphical epistle. However, the style of Romans is consistent with the style of Paul's undisputed epistles and the narrative in Romans is consistent with expectations. Clement of Rome, writing a few decades later, but before the publication of Acts of the Apostles, believed that Paul visited Rome on his way to Spain, just as Paul planned in Romans. There is little debate that Romans was written by Paul.

In the case of Hebrews, there is no claim to authorship by Paul, the theology is markedly different to that of Paul and the style is entirely different. Among the very earliest Christian books, Hebrews was probably saved for posterity because the Church Fathers thought it was probably written by Paul, but modern scholars would not make that claim.

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Q: What proof using the book of Romans and the book of Hebrews is there that Apostle Paul is the author?
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