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Regarding the Rosary:

Begin at the crucifix. On the crucifix is said "The Apostles Creed".

Moving up to the first bead, say an "Our Father"

The next three beads each receive a "Hail Mary"

On the last bead is said a "Glory Be"

You will now be at the Rosary proper. Move counterclockwise. Beads are now organized into groups of ten called a "decade"; each decade is separated from the other by a single bead. Before each decade you would say an "Our Father" on the lone bead (before the first decade there is no bead, but you say an "Our Father" just the same). On each bead in the decade you say a "Hail Mary" until you reach the lone bead, where the decade is concluded by a "Glory Be" and the "Fatima prayer". Stay on the lone bead and recite an "Our Father" and repeat the way of saying a decade.

At the end of the beads is recited a "Hail Holy Queen" and the concluding Rosary prayer. It is customary to begin and end the Rosary with the sign of the cross, made with the rosary in your hand.


AnswerHow to pray the rosary: First of all, one of the most important things that we must do as Christians is to pray, and beginning prayer is meditation. Realize that Christian meditation has absolutely nothing in common with Eastern meditation. That are completely different things and that fact that they are called by the same word is an unfortunate happenstance. Christian meditation is recalling and thinking about the truths of the faith. Meditation using Sacred Scripture (The Bible) is called Lectio Divinia.

The rosary is a series of prayers based on the Bible - the Our Father, and the Hail Mary (the Angelic Salutation from the Gospel of Luke). But the vocal prayer is like the background music, if you will, to the meditation of the mysteries of the faith, which is the heart of the rosary.

The rosary meditations are:



(Monday and Saturday)

Annunciation of angel Gabriel to Mary

Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth

Nativity of our Blessed Savior

Presentation in the Temple

Finding in the Temple




Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan

Self manifestation of Jesus at the Miracle of Cana

Proclamation of the Kingdom of God

The Transfiguration on the Mount

The Institution of the Blessed Eucharist



(Tuesday and Friday)

The Agony in the Garden

The Scouring at the Pillar

The Crowning with Thorns

The Carrying of the Cross

The Crucifixion



(Wednesday and Sunday)

The Resurrection

The Ascension

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

The Assumption of the B.V.M.

The Crowning of the B.V.M. as Queen of Heaven and Earth.


So we are praying by meditating on the mysteries of our Redemption. And this form of prayer was very ancient, but the form that we currently use was given by Our Blessed Mother to St. Dominic (who was founder of the Dominicans). As Catholics, we walk in our Savior's footsteps, and one of the ways in which we imitate Him is in His love and devotion to His mother.


So the rosary is important to us, as Catholic Christians, as fulfilling our Blessed Lord's command to pray always, as meditation on the events of His life, as a form of prayer that was given to us at the express wish of Our Blessed Mother, and as one of the forms of prayer, above most others that leads many saints to intimate union with God.


Below is the form that I made up for my students in Sunday school (in the instructions below there is L for leader and R for response, that is if you have two or more people praying the rosary together; obviously, if you are saying it alone, you will be saying all the prayers):

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen


L. I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of Heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

and born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into Hell. On the third day He rose again.

He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

R. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church,

the Communion of the Saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

Our Father (for the Pope). Three Hail Mary's ( for increase of Faith, Hope, Charity) Glory be.

All. O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,

save us from the first of Hell.

Lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. Amen

For each decade:

L. Our Father, who art in heaven,


Hallowed be Thy Name,

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,

On Earth as it is in Heaven

R. Give us this day, our daily bread,

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us,

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

L. Hail Mary, full of grace,


The Lord is with thee,

Blessed are thou amongst women,

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

R. Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

L. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.


R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

L. O my Jesus...

R. forgive us our sins,

save us from the first of Hell.

Lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. Amen


Final prayers:

Hail, Holy Queen

, Mother of Mercy! Our life,

our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we

cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do

we send up our sights, mourning and weeping

in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most

gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward

us; and after this our exile show unto us the

blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement,

O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

L. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,

R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.


O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life,

death, and Resurrection, has purchased for us

the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech

Thee, that meditating on these Mysteries of

the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin

Mary, we may imitate what they contain, and

obtain what they promise, through the same

Christ our lord. Amen.

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i myself am catholic, and not everyone does the rosary everyday. but people do it as a prayer (it's made up of different prayers)..... i hope this helped??Another answer:As far as personal prayers (prayers outside of the Breviary and the Mass), the Rosary is probably the most efficacious. The rosary itself, composed of Our Father's, Hail Mary's, Glory be's, etc. is NOT just mindless repetition. If you are just recited the prayers in a mindless fashion, you are not praying the rosary, and, for that matter, are not praying at all. The rosary is a set of twenty meditations, five for each "rosary". These meditations are centered on the life of Jesus. Two important points: to meditate is beginning prayer. There is much prayer beyond this, but meditation is how one begins. The second point is that meditation here spoken of, is Christian meditation. As you recite the prayers, you are thinking about the mystery proposed for that decade. For instance, the third mystery of the Joyful Mysteries is the Nativity. Obviously, you are thinking of Jesus' birth, how it came about, you picture the scene in your mind. But you also think about why He came to earth, why He is here, and how should it affect my life. In meditation, you consider all these things, ask God to help you and guide you, draw conclusions from them and ask God to help you live your life according to His Will. For instance, for every decade of my rosary, I usually start it off with something like, The Scourging at the Pillar: "Lord, help me to walk in Your footsteps, help me to know Your Father's Will and to do it; help me in this mystery to accept the pains in this life meekly and humbly without complaint or bragging, and to offer them up to Your Father, for His greater glory and honor, for the salvation of my brothers and sisters, and for my own salvation." Our Father...Now, if we have all of that down, revelations to many saints through the ages have made know to us God's will, and that is praying the Rosary is a great way to grow closer to God, a great sign of predestination, etc. There is no way that sin can remain in your life if you are praying the rosary each day. If you are sincerely praying and meditating all the mysteries of the rosary, you will grow closer to God, grace will fill your life, and sin will leave it.An excellent book, written by St. Louis de Montfort called The Secret of the Rosary lists many miracles and helps in this prayer. It is something that every Christian trying to lead a good life, conformed to God, should pray each and every day. Many saints refused to go to bed until they had finished their rosary. I find that a little beyond me, so I pray my rosary first thing when I get up in the morning.

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Why do people pray the rosary everyday?

As far as personal prayers (prayers outside of the Breviary and the Mass), the Rosary is probably the most efficacious. The rosary itself, composed of Our Father's, Hail Mary's, Glory be's, etc. is NOT just mindless repetition. If you are just recited the prayers in a mindless fashion, you are not praying the rosary, and, for that matter, are not praying at all. The rosary is a set of twenty meditations, five for each "rosary". These meditations are centered on the life of Jesus. Two important points: to meditate is beginning prayer. There is much prayer beyond this, but meditation is how one begins. The second point is that meditation here spoken of, is Christian meditation. As you recite the prayers, you are thinking about the mystery proposed for that decade. For instance, the third mystery of the Joyful Mysteries is the Nativity. Obviously, you are thinking of Jesus' birth, how it came about, you picture the scene in your mind. But you also think about why He came to earth, why He is here, and how should it affect my life. In meditation, you consider all these things, ask God to help you and guide you, draw conclusions from them and ask God to help you live your life according to His Will. For instance, for every decade of my rosary, I usually start it off with something like, The Scourging at the Pillar: "Lord, help me to walk in Your footsteps, help me to know Your Father's Will and to do it; help me in this mystery to accept the pains in this life meekly and humbly without complaint or bragging, and to offer them up to Your Father, for His greater glory and honor, for the salvation of my brothers and sisters, and for my own salvation." Our Father...Now, if we have all of that down, revelations to many saints through the ages have made know to us God's will, and that is praying the Rosary is a great way to grow closer to God, a great sign of predestination, etc. There is no way that sin can remain in your life if you are praying the rosary each day. If you are sincerely praying and meditating all the mysteries of the rosary, you will grow closer to God, grace will fill your life, and sin will leave it.An excellent book, written by St. Louis de Montfort called The Secret of the Rosary lists many miracles and helps in this prayer. It is something that every Christian trying to lead a good life, conformed to God, should pray each and every day. Many saints refused to go to bed until they had finished their rosary. I find that a little beyond me, so I pray my rosary first thing when I get up in the morning.

Is the rosary idolatry?

Speaking as a non-Catholic: As an evangelical Anglican, I actually never use a rosary as an aid for prayer as this device is more in keeping with the Roman Catholic tradition, although I can very much see the use of such a device in prayer. The beads on the rosary represent various prayers and statements of faith, and, by 'saying' the rosary one can be sure that prayers are said without any being 'forgotten'. Idolatry is the worship of anything that is not God - be it a golden calf, a statue, or even your car, holiday home in the Seychelles, or the Lottery. I cannot imagine any Catholic 'worshipping' the rosary as an object in itself; the rosary is simply an aid to prayer which some Christians find useful, and, therefore, using it cannot be classed as idolatry. The only danger with the rosary is that, unless one makes a conscious effort to ensure that prayer comes from the heart, there is a temptation to 'go through the motions' in saying the rosary, so that prayer becomes mechanical and superficial. As long as the rosary is kept well in its place as an aid to personal, devotional and sincere prayer then there is nothing wrong with using it - and it is certainly not idolatrous - and, in fact, used in the right way it can enhance prayer a great deal.

How can we convince others and ourselves to recite rosary?

I have several suggestions: 1. pray the Rosary every day 2. join rosary societies 3. carry your rosary wherever you go 4. carry rosary brochures and put them in likely places 5. buy plastic rosaries and how to say the rosary brochures and keep them in your Church vestible (see links below)

Where can I go to get a rosary fixed if I live in Michigan near Detroit and I am wondering where I can go to get a rosary fixed or how?

Check with your pastor. There may be a rosary society in the parish that makes rosaries that may be able to help you. Otherwise, try a jeweler. He/she may be able to make the repair.

Why do you pray the rosary everyday?

As far as personal prayers (prayers outside of the Breviary and the Mass), the Rosary is probably the most efficacious. The rosary itself, composed of Our Father's, Hail Mary's, Glory be's, etc. is NOT just mindless repetition. If you are just recited the prayers in a mindless fashion, you are not praying the rosary, and, for that matter, are not praying at all. The rosary is a set of twenty meditations, five for each "rosary". These meditations are centered on the life of Jesus. Two important points: to meditate is beginning prayer. There is much prayer beyond this, but meditation is how one begins. The second point is that meditation here spoken of, is Christian meditation. As you recite the prayers, you are thinking about the mystery proposed for that decade. For instance, the third mystery of the Joyful Mysteries is the Nativity. Obviously, you are thinking of Jesus' birth, how it came about, you picture the scene in your mind. But you also think about why He came to earth, why He is here, and how should it affect my life. In meditation, you consider all these things, ask God to help you and guide you, draw conclusions from them and ask God to help you live your life according to His Will. For instance, for every decade of my rosary, I usually start it off with something like, The Scourging at the Pillar: "Lord, help me to walk in Your footsteps, help me to know Your Father's Will and to do it; help me in this mystery to accept the pains in this life meekly and humbly without complaint or bragging, and to offer them up to Your Father, for His greater glory and honor, for the salvation of my brothers and sisters, and for my own salvation." Our Father...Now, if we have all of that down, revelations to many saints through the ages have made know to us God's will, and that is praying the Rosary is a great way to grow closer to God, a great sign of predestination, etc. There is no way that sin can remain in your life if you are praying the rosary each day. If you are sincerely praying and meditating all the mysteries of the rosary, you will grow closer to God, grace will fill your life, and sin will leave it.An excellent book, written by St. Louis de Montfort called The Secret of the Rosary lists many miracles and helps in this prayer. It is something that every Christian trying to lead a good life, conformed to God, should pray each and every day. Many saints refused to go to bed until they had finished their rosary. I find that a little beyond me, so I pray my rosary first thing when I get up in the morning.

How do you take out a hoop belly button out?

Remove the bead "it is just held in place by the tension of the ring" it should pop out if you apply force from the side of the ring against the bead. If it doesnt come out go see your piercer, they may need to use a ring expanding plier to gently open the ring.

What is the difference between u bead and j bead pool liners?

Basically, the "hole" it's going into. For example, the J bead is shaped to fit into the coping that is shaped to fit a J bead. J bead is different from a regular bead. A regular bead's coping does kinda looks like a sideways U. The difference in the beads is courtesy of the manufacturers. Some just had to be different. J bead and U beads go over the wall.No coping. There are some beads called Universal beads that fit into a groove in the coping or overlap the wall. Typical above ground beading is a K bead

How do you open belly button rings?

If it's a captive bead ring the bead pushes out from the side of the ring and then the ring can be rotated thru the piercing to remove it. If you can't get the bead off the ring go see your local body piercer, they will gladly help remove the bead for you using specialized tools.