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The procedure for dissolving a marriage through divorce (Deuteronomy ch.24).

In terms of European politics, usury was banned by the Church, making moneylending a Jewish profession in Europe. This helped to create the Jewish-financial stereotype as the best jobs for Jews were in the banking industry.

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Q: What practice was banned by the Christian Church but was allowed to Jews?
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Roman Catholic AnswerI'm not real sure what you mean by this question. Banned from what? The only individual I know that has been banned by the Catholic Church is Satan and the other devils. When a Church is consecrated there is an elaborate ceremony in which the building is exorcised and blessed.

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It depends on what you did and have you been banned before, you may be allowed back if it's a first time being banned. :)

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Does Mormon religion approve more than one wives to men?

No. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) banned the practice of polygamy (having multiple wives) over 120 years ago, in October 1890. Anyone found in a polygamous relationship is excommunicated from (kicked out of) the Church. There are some who refer to themselves as 'fundamentalist Mormons' who practice polygamy. These groups are not affiliated with the mainstream Mormon church. They broke from the Mormon church to form their own churches when the Mormon church outlawed the practice of polygamy. Check out the "Related Links" below to see more regarding the Mormon church and polygamy.