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The Buddha achieved Nirvania lying down.

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Does gautam Buddha die?


When Gautam Buddha was born?

Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal.

Where Bhagwan Gautam Buddha born?

Gautam buddha was born in lumbini, Nepal.

When was Gautam Buddha University created?

Gautam Buddha University was created in 2008.

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gautam buddha gernd fhadhar nam

What is the birthplace of lord Gautam Buddha?

The birth place of lord Gautam Buddha was Lumbini,Nepal

What is the airport code for Gautam Buddha Airport?

The airport code for Gautam Buddha Airport is BWA.

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The river Ganges is connected to the Gautam Buddha. It flowed near where the Buddha lived, and the Buddha often used it as a symbol in his teachings.

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When was Gautam Buddha University School of Management created?

Gautam Buddha University School of Management was created in 2008.

When was Gautam Buddha University School of Biotechnology created?

Gautam Buddha University School of Biotechnology was created in 2009.

Founder of Buddhism later called Buddha?

Gautam buddha