

Best Answer

The answer depends on the source you consult.

Harris Poll (Harris Interactive, July 6, 2005)

"While many in the scientific community may question why this issue has been raised again, a new national survey shows that almost two-thirds of U.S. adults (64%) agree with the basic tenet of creationism, that "human beings were created directly by God.""

US News & World Report

In Deputy Editor Robert Schlesinger's blog on US New & World Report, February, 11, 2009, Schlesinger analyzed the results of a recent Gallup poll that claims 25% of Americans reject evolution (that doesn't necessarily mean they believe in Intelligent Design, however; that information wasn't provided).

"I guess the upside is that the figure-39 percent-is a plurality of respondents in a new Gallup poll. Fully a quarter of Americans said that they reject evolution, while 36 percent say they don't have an opinion."

In the February 6, 2009, edition of US News & World Report, blogger Dan Gilgoff claims:

"During this last campaign, the topic of science-specifically, creationism and evolution-was pushed out onto the stage of the presidential debates. So much so that USA Today/Gallup released the results of a poll in which 66 percent of Americans stated that they believe in creationism."

Center for Science & Culture

On the other hand, the Center for Science & Culture, which supports Intelligent Design, claimed much higher percentages in 2001:

"Gallup poll after Gallup poll confirms that about 90 percent of the U.S. population believes that some sort of design is behind the world."


The Gallup poll site (see Related Links) posts the results of an August 2008 poll indicating 44% believe God created man in his present form; 36% appear to believe in some admixture of evolution and creationism/ID; 14% believe in straight evolution; 5% have no opinion.

Why is there so much variation in statistics? Because the results of a survey depend on the questions asked, the audience polled, the amount of bias involved in interpretation, the agenda of the person or entity reporting the information, and various people's willingness to manipulate data to support their case.

As everyone from 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli to American Author Mark Twain have been quoted, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

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Q: What percentage of the US believes in intelligent design?
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What is Intelligent Design know for?

Intelligent Design are known for being a think tank that was formed by the discovery Institute in the US. They counteract natural selection and have proposed other scientific views on how the world was created.

Is Intelligent Design not scientific because you can't test it using the scientific process and it does not tell us anything about life and nature?

AnswerIt is also true that evidence presented to the United States Supreme Court showed that Intelligent Design is Creationism under another name, and that its proponents had always intended it to be so. The Supreme Court found that Intelligent Design is not science.AnswerThe US Supreme Court has already determined, in Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 US 578 (1987), that intelligent design can't be taught in public schools because it has its basis in creationism, a religious concept.Public schools are prohibited from teaching religion under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, sometimes called "separation of church and state," which forbids the enactment of any law "respecting an establishment of religion." The Establishment Clause is designed to protect individual rights "to select any religious faith or none at all" (Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 US 52 (1985)).AnswerYes, that's right. Intelligent design cannot be tested. No test can be devised to test for an invisible, supernatural entity which the Intelligent Designer is apparently deemed to be. Thus it is of no use to have a theory based on an intelligence that cannot be found or confirmed. Such a theory would not tell us anything. Everything we need is presented by the anatomy and ecology of animals and plants. That is what has been used and always will be used to derive facts about life and nature. There is no use in having a superfluous name like intelligent designer attached. All you are doing is looking at nature itself to derive your answers. You cannot look at an intelligent designer as it is undetectable. Intelligent Design as a 'theory' does indeed not tell us anything about the natural world.

What is Intelligent Design Who founded it and What are its goals?

William Paley, of the 18th century, propounded the following; What if someone were to find a watch in a forest? A watch is complex and apparently tuned to fulfil a function; that of telling time. Paley extended the idea of complexity to living organisms and how functionally-fulfilling he presumed their complex structures to be. He claimed that a designer was obvious in the case of the watch and, due to such complexity in living organisms, a designer should be necessary for them as well.This designer became known as the 'intelligent designer' in the idea called Intelligent Design. The idea is that living organisms are too complex to have arisen in any form other than their present one, the one that fulfills the present function that organism and all its organs fulfill.Later, the Theory of Evolution, generated by Charles Darwin, disposed greatly of any Intelligent Design notions. But there was still creationism, the age-old explanation of life's structure and diversity that preceeded both the Theory of Evolution and Intelligent Design. Many creationists have always been negative of evolution and have tried to force creationism upon school curricula to remove evolution from classrooms. When creationism made no effect, 'creation science' was introduced as a 'more scientific' way to combat evolution in the classroom.Intelligent Design these days has morphed from Paley's apparently earnest and innocent suggestion of 'complexity requires design' to a great attack on evolution. Michael Behe found backing for Intelligent Design, saying that biochemical pathways were too complex to go designerless. (He particularly pointed to the immune system.) Intelligent Design is now the replacement of 'creation science' since that didn't take off in school curricula. It insinuates that it is a 'scientific' creation-like argument. To gain approval, Intelligent Design denies any religiousness, denies the 'Intelligent Designer' is God or any god in any way. It also claims the 'Intelligent Designer' to be 'undetectable' and presumably supernatural.Intelligent Design is in fact, not only a curriculum-pushing 'theory', but a political movement, instigating the 2005 Dover district court cases. The explicit goal seems to be to extirpate evolution from schools. One wonders if Intelligent Design advocates want to expurgate the Theory of Evolution from science and society altogether. Perhaps many do. Intelligent Design shows the same disapproval to evolution that creationism and 'creation science' do. The judge of the 2005 court cases did identify a religious life-force behind the Intelligent Design advocates within the court case. Intelligent Design is simply creationism in disguise.Notice that at no point along the way has anyone evaluated Intelligent Design and certainly not the proponents themselves to see if it stands up to evolution. The Theory of Evolution is still as robust as ever.

What are some of the church's opinions on intelligent design?

Before I answer this question, I would like to make something very clear to everybody who believes in Evolution: Intelligent design is NOT necessarily creation. Creation is a type of intelligent design, though. Any way, back to the question. Most Christians do believe in Intelligent Design, more specifically creation. According to Genesis 1:1-2:25, God created the earth in 6 days, and took a break on the seventh. So, why believe in ID any way? Well, here are a few things you may want to consider: Why is the world so perfect? Why is nature in such a delicate balance, that if one animal happened to disappear, so would many others? Why do we have air, and water? Why are we so far away from the sun so it doesn't scald us, yet not too far away for it to be to cold? If we lacked any of the things on the list above, it would be extremely hard for any kind of life to exist. So, did we adapt to the hard conditions, magically evolve and weave a perfect world for our selves- by accident? You decide.

Why is Intelligent Design taught in some states of the US alongside Evolution?

AnswerThe USA has a huge pressure from its creationist population who are very vociferous to reintroduce religion into the biology classroom. Many of these people probably think that only ID should be taught and that evolution is wrong. It's a pity as its a backwards step in education. If more people understood evolution, it would be more accepted.AnswerThe United States may well be under pressure from certain Christian groups who want creationism, or intelligent design, taught alongside (or sometimes in place of) evolution; however, only private schools may incorporate these teachings into their curriculum.Public schools are not allowed to teach "intelligent design" because they are supported by tax money, per the US Supreme Court decision in Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 US 578 (1987). Intelligent design is inherently a non-scientific religious theory; using state and federal funding to promulgate religious ideology in public school is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

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