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Q: What percent of Muslims are illiterate?
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About 9.7 percent of Sunni and Shiya muslims are in Srilanka.

What percent of Muslims are in Argentina?

20 %

Which type of Islam do 10 percent of the world's Muslims practice?

They are Shia Muslims

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Mainly christian

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What percent of people are literate in Afghanistan?

69% of Afghanistan's population is illiterate

Approximately what percent of Muslims are Americans are Muslims?

you need o elaborate or edit your question?

Is Jordan population mostly Muslims?

Yes, over 98% are Muslims.

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How many children in the US are illiterate?

It is estimated that around 32 million adults in the United States are functionally illiterate, which can impact their ability to read and write at a basic level. However, specific data on the number of illiterate children in the US is not readily available.