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Most polytheistic religions (as most religions generally) include beliefs about what happens after you die. Generally, these beliefs fall into two groups:

1) There is an Otherworld that is not this world that the soul goes to. (What the other world is like is different from religion to religion. For example, Hellenic polytheists divide the afterlife into various realms: one for heroes in which there is constant feasting and merriment, one for people the gods particularly hate in which there is constant suffering, and a third and much larger world for the souls of normal, everyday people, which is sort of grey and uninteresting. By contrast, Kemetic polytheists believe in a single afterlife that is only for the righteous, and the souls of the unrighteous are destroyed. In the Kemetic afterworld, however, not everyone is treated the same even after passing the initial test. Further refinement is made according to what gods or goddesses the soul was devoted to and how faithfully the soul served.)

2) Souls are reincarnated into new bodies and reborn into this world.

3) A mixture of the two. Celtic polytheists, for example, had a belief that when you died, you went to another world that was much like the one you were currently living in, and that when you died in that world, you were reborn here. There is some historical record of contracts made in life that would be honored in the otherworld, or after a certain number of transitions.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Not all religions believe in after life. Christianity doesn't and I know this for a fact because I'm christen.

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Christians DO believe in the after life (john 3:16 anyone?)

As far as religions that don't believe in an after life, I know that Buddhism teaches you can reach Nirvana which is said to be the state you were at before you were born aka not existing anymore. That would basically mean no after life.

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14y ago
AnswerNot all religions have an afterlife. Of those that do, some believe in separate places or states for reward or punishment, some believe in a cycle of reincarnation, possibly followed by a reward when perfect knowledge and goodness have been achieved, and some, such as the ancient religions of the Mediterranean region, said that the afterlife was generally neither a reward nor a punishment, but merely a continuation of existence.
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12y ago

Christians and muslims believe in the afterlife.

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