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* The word "dinosaurs" was never heard of until the 19th century. However in The Bible you can read about creatures which fit that description in some passages such as in Job chapter 40 verse 15. Here the Lord God speaks of the "behemoth" and also gives a detailed description of it. He speaks of his size and of his large tail moving like a cedar. Also in chapter 41 the Lord God speaks of "Leviathan". You can note that Job lived before the flood of Noah.

* Some people think that the creatures described in the book of Job are dinosaurs. This is of course highly debatable. Some suppose that the Behemoth and Leviathan are referenced to dinosaurs (found in Job 40), however, most scholars agree that these are references to either the hippopotamus and crocodile, or two mythical creatures (used here poetically). So no, there is probably no mention of dinosaurs in the Bible.

Aside from the account of Adam up to Noah (and the long and open geneology that follows), the Biblical events start kicking with Abraham. Abraham is thought to live around 2,000 B.C., dinosaurs on the other hand, went extinct about 65 million years ago. That being said, the Bible is concerned primarily with man and his current circumstances, with small references to God's creative history (because the they testify of God's glory which is current). Old Earth creationist argue that the different "days" of Genesis are epochs or eras (Heb. "yom", translated "day", can mean epoch or era). They hold that dinosaurs had come and gone extinct before the advent of man (so we shouldn't expect to see references to them).

Any one who's read the description of Bohemoth from the Bible would never claim it was a hippo or crocodile. It was a large animal, with a tail like a ceder tree, fed on Grass, powerful like a lion, and having limbs like iron. This creature certainly isn't a hippo, croc, or elephant.

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15y ago

I could not find any accounts of dinosaurs in the Bible. However, the closest thing I could find was "leviathan" which is mentioned 4 times:

Job 41:1

Psalms 74:14

Psalms 104:26

Isaiah 27:1

The "leviathan" seems to be more like a sea serpent than a dinosaur.

Genesis 6:4a says "There were giants in the earth in those days..." Giants are most likely Dinosaurs.

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14y ago

The word dinosaur itself is not in the Bible. Dinosaur bones were not discovered until around the 1800's. But the book of Job does describe a "laviathan" that could only be a dinosaur because no other animal has a tail like a tree trunk.

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10y ago
Most scientists would say that the 'Age of the Reptiles (dinosaurs) ended in the Cretaceous extinction. The beginning of grass and fruit trees begins in Genesis 1:11-12 of the Bible and this supports the food for the 'Age of Mammals' or the Cenozoic era. So there was a catastrophic event before the 'renewal' of the Earth described in Genesis 1 (see Psalm 104:30), and many biblical scholars would point to the 'spiritual warfare' event in Isaiah 14:12-21 as the cause of this devastation.

The Bible does mention an extremely large mammal named 'behemoth' in Job 40:15. By its description, a British team of scientist in 1910 found an unknown type of rhinoceros. In 2003, a team of French scientists returned to Baluchistan where this rhino fossils were first found finding complete remains of both male and female of this species they named 'Baluchisterium' that appeared to have been swept away by a 'flood' event. These creatures were confirmed to be an extinct, gigantic, hornless rhinoceros - their description neatly fits Job's description of the behemoth.

As far as I am concerned, dinosaurs are mentioned explicitly in Genesis 1:21. "And God created the great taninim, and every living creeping creature that the waters swarmed with, after its kind, and every winged fowl after its kind; and God saw that it was good."
Some translate taninim as being only a sea-creature, but the Hebrew doesn't necessitate such a limited translation. The word tanin is versatile, referring in certain verses to land-reptiles.
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15y ago

In the bible, it doesn't say that dinosaurs were created. It could be phsycological probable answer by the scientist themselves.

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13y ago

Dinosaurs are not mentioned in the bible. The bible does mention a large animal that was called a leviathan( spelling?) in Genesis, but this is/was not a dinosaur.

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