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verse 255 in the second chapter of the holy quran in surah al baqarah

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Q: What page is ayat al kursi in?
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Which part of the Qur'an has 'Ayat-ul-Kursi' or Verse of the Throne?

Ayat Al-kursi (The Throne verse) is in Surat Al-baqara (The Cow), In the beginning of the third Part. (Chapter 2-55).

What is ayatul kursi?

Ayatul Kursi is a powerful ayat of sura Bakara in Islamic Holy Quran. It is the greatest ayat of Quran. Ayatul Kursi is 255 no ayat of bakara.

Where could one find more information on the Ayat Al Kursi?

One can find more information on Ayat Al Kursi, or The Throne verse, by visiting Islamic information websites or reading the Quran. It is the most famous verse in the Quran.

What is the biggest ayat in quran?

The biggest ayah in the Quran is ayah number 282 that is on page 48 in Sura Al Baqara

What chapter is the surah ayat al kursi?

The 3d chapter, the 255th ayah in Sura Al Baqara and it's the meaning of ayat al kursi: 255.God, there is no deity but He; the All-Living, the Self-Subsisting (by Whom all subsist). Slumber does not seize Him, nor sleep. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. Who is there that will intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what lies after them (what lies in their future and in their past, what is known to them and what is hidden from them); and they do not comprehend anything of His Knowledge save what He wills. His Seat (of dominion) embraces the heavens and the earth, and the preserving of them does not weary Him; He is the All-Exalted, the Supreme.

Which one is the best ayat or verse in Quran?

All verses or Ayat in Quran are great and holy but the best one or what is considered the best is verse 255 in Surah Al-Bakrah (chapter 2). It is called "Ayat Al-Kursi" and starts with (meaning English translation):" Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever living, the One who sustains and protects all that exists)....."

When did Ayat al-Akhras die?

Ayat al-Akhras died in 2002.

When was Ayat Al-Qurmezi born?

Ayat Al-Qurmezi was born in 1991.

What actors and actresses appeared in Al Kursi - 2002?

The cast of Al Kursi - 2002 includes: Dany Chamoun Georges Rached

What is the Surat of ayah al kirsi?

Ayatul- kursi is from Surah- Al- Baqara

What is the Kursi al qu'ran used for?

Ayat Al-kursi or the "verse of throne" is the greatest verse in the holy Quran. As all the verse of the noble Quran reciting it is a good deed & a way of being close to Allah, the Almighty. Moreover, this verse is for the protection from Allah to the Muslim who recites it so that it is being recited for example each morning & each evening,before sleeping with the "azkar". Also, it's an advice from the prophet Muhammad PBUH to recite it after each prayer.

Where is the Ayatul Kursi found?

Ayatul Kursi is a verse found in the holy book of the Islamic religion, the Koran. The Ayatul Kursi, or throne verse as it is sometimes called, is found in the Al-Baqara book of the Koran.