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Answer 1

Christianity and Judaism. The three religions are same God religions. The three religions call for same morals and conduct. The three religions are based on same ritual worships (praying, fasting, pilgrimage, alms giving, ... etc) although practiced differently and under different rules.

Answer 2

While Judaism and Christianity are similar to Islam, there are numerous differences between those faiths and Islam. Far closer to Islam are the so-called "Post-Islamic Religions", which include Baha'i, Druze, Azali, Yezidi, Yarsan, Alawite, Alevi, and Ahmadiyya. Some of these religions are occasionally considered Islamic, especially the latter three, but sometimes they are not. These religions share most of Islam's fundamental teachings and consider the Qur'an a holy book. Where they diverge from mainstream Islam is that they claim that there have been prophets since Mohammed who have ministered to the people. Since denying that Mohammed was the final prophet would make you a heretic according to Islam, these groups are accordingly, Post-Islamic. The Post-Islamic religions, though, are numerically small. Even combined, they represent less than 25 million people.

To read more about Post-Islamic Religions, please see the Related Links below.

Answer 3There is nothing called post-Islamic religions. This term is called by the western authorities to create confusion among the true Islam followers. Same as the creation of the Nation of Islam in the USA that claim other prophets than Muhammad and claim superiority of the Blacks over the Whites (which is dramatically against basic true Islam teachings). God prophets; started by Adam through Noah, Abraham, Moses, and many others; and ending with prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The three God religions are Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. These three religion share same God worship, share same ritual worships as praying, fasting, alms giving (although practiced differently), and share same religious morals.
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10y ago
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9y ago

Christianity is similar to Judaism.

Islam is similar to Judaism.

Baha'i is similar to Judaism.

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9y ago

Christianity and Islam are the two religions most similar to Judaism.

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12y ago

Hinduism is part of Dharmic / Indian religion. Hence, others Dharmic religions like Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. are similar to Hinduism.

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12y ago

Hinduism is part of Dharmic / Indian religion. Hence, others Dharmic religions like Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. are similar to Hinduism.

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12y ago

Confucianism & Taoism are complementary to each other.

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9y ago

Christianity and Islam are the two religions most similar to Judaism.

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Christianity and Islam

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Christianity and Islam ^^

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You are of Hebrew descent my religion is judaism?

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