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Q: What other names does the catholic church call the holy bread?
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I am a Catholic by birth but I don't go to Church on Sundays and would like to know what other church could I go to and not feel bad? other church! You have the opportunity to see bread turn in to Christ every Sunday and you want to go to another church? No other church has what the Catholic church has. I don't think you realize how special the Holy Mass is. It is a mortal sin to miss mass on Sunday. (In a ROMAN CATHOLIC church.)

Are there any other Bibles that follow the Catholic teaching?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is only one Bible, it was written by the Catholic Church, preserved for centuries by the Catholic Church, and is interpreted by the Catholic Church. There is no other.

Can episcopal take commumion in the catholic church?

In a Catholic church, the priest can not actually stop a person from taking communion during the mass, so really any one can go up and take communion. Now people in the Episcopal church and Catholic church both believe in Transubstantiation. This is the idea that the bread and wine are turned into the body and blood of Christ by God when the priest prays to God to do so. That is the main reason why the Catholic church does not want other Christians to receive communion if they are attending a Catholic church because most Protestant sects only see the bread and wine as symbols, and do not believe in Transubstantiation. But since Episcopals believe in it, they should be able to take communion in a Catholic church without that problem.

Which other religions are there a part from the Catholic Church?

There are no other 'religions' in the Catholic Church. However, within the Catholic Church there are a number of rites, including the Latin (Roman) rite, the Maronites, and several Eastern rites but all are Catholic. They are not different religions.

Why do some Christians believe that the bread and wine at Communion is only symbolic and simply remembers Jesus while some believe that the bread and wine is in a real way transformed into the body an?

The Catholic church teach that when the sacrament is blessed it BECOMES the flesh and blood of Christ. For the Catholics this is a matter of doctrine/faith. Most of the rest of the Christian community believe, that the bread and wine SYMBOLISE Christ's body and blood in the same manner of imagery/metaphor that Christ himself used at the last supper before his death. Thus Catholics are welcome to share the sacrament at any other church but the Catholic church will not allow a non Catholic to share the sacrament in a Catholic church.

Why is the Catholic Church considered to be an apostate church?

Answer from a CatholicThe Catholic Church is the only Church which is NOT an apostate church. Apostate means to abandon beliefs, the Catholic Church is the only Church established by Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. All other "Churches" have apostatized from the Catholic Church.

Is Confirmation a Catholic tradition?

The Catholic Church is not the only Christian Church which has Confirmation. Many other ones do too.

Can a Roman Catholic be married anywhere other than in a Catholic Church and be conforming with Canonical form?

No, Roman Catholics are required to be married in a Catholic Church, by a Catholic priest.

What do catholis do?

Catholics, Are Christians, The catholic Church is the oldest Christian church all other christian churches split from the catholic church.. They do the same thing all other Christians do. If you want a long answer, either look it up or ask, a catholic

Are there any churches that are both Roman Catholic and Episcopal?

No, the Catholic Church is the Christian Church, the original Christian Church. The Episcopal Church is a Protestant Church and not Catholic. To be Catholic a Church must accept the pope as the leader of the Church as well as other Catholic doctrines. The Episcopal Church does not.

What was the Angelican Church of England?

The Anglican Church was and still is the official religion of England led by Queen Elizabeth II and the archbishop of Canturbury. It began in the sixteenth century when King Henry Tudor VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church over the issue of divorce. Other names: Church of England, Episcopal Church (America) Tradition: Liturgical; similar to the Roman Catholic Church Other similar denominations: Lutherans, Methodists (left Anglican church in the 18th century.)

What is a communion bread holder called?

In our church, (Roman Catholic) the bread holder is called a Eucharistic Minister. The person holding the cup of wine has this name also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the Roman Catholic Church, the answer above (a Eucharistic ---- also called an Extraordinary ---- Minister) is the title of the person who DISTRIBUTES the body and/or blood of Christ. When Holy Communion is distributed in a place other than the church (hospital, home, nursing home, etc.), the case in which the Host is carried is called a pyx.