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The 5 core beliefs are:

  1. Belief in God oneness
  2. Belief in all God prophets (including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad; peace be upon them all)
  3. Belief in all God holy books (including Torah, Bible, and Qur'an)
  4. Belief in God angels
  5. Belief in the Resurrection Say and 2nd eternal life
  6. Belief in God will and Destiny

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Basic Beliefs of the Muslims:

1. Belief in Almighty Allah (God) Sura Baqra -2. Aya 163: And your Allah is ONE Allah, There is no god but He. He is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider and Ruler of the Universe. He has No Son, No Parents, No off-spring. He is Omnipotent, Omni-Present, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Listening. HE and He alone deserves worship. All powers lie in His Hands. He alone is the Master of the Day of Judgment. He has No Partner, No Associate whatsoever. No one can understand Him completely. There is Nothing like Him. He is Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Most Forgiving..

2. Belief in Angels Created by Almighty Allah Karim from light. They are obedient to Allah Karim. Carry out His commands.

3. Belief in all heavenly books, including Tora, Zaboor, the Bible, the last one being the Qur'an.

4. Belief in all the Messengers of Almighty Allah- No distinction among them. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) being the last Prophet of Islam. NO Prophet after him.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment. Almighty Allah Karim is the Sole Ruler/Master of that Day. He enjoys the absolute authority to send people to Heaven or Hell.

6. Good and bad Destiny being in the Hands of Almighty Allah. No One can change his destiny.

7. Life hereafter: All the dead will be raised again and judged according to their good or bad deeds. There will be no death to them.

8. Hell and Heaven (Paradise)

These may be further elaborated in the light of the holy Qur'an and the Sahih Hadith.

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadat: [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the One and Only One, having No Partner whatsoever. And Muhammad is His servant and Messenger],

2. Salah: (praying five times a day)

3. Zakah: (specific compulsory charity-2,5% of annual savings)

4. Saum: (fasting during Ramadan)

5. Hajj: (pilgrimage) for each Muslim once in lifetime those who can afford it.

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Day of ressurection

Oneness of God(Allah)

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What are the seven beliefs in Islam?

There is nothing prominent in Islam such that seven beliefs in Islam. There are these five Pillars and then there are six articles of faith. Nothing more basic or prominent other than that in the religion.

What can be inferred from the word pillar in regards to the acts of worship in the five pillars of Islam?

Pillars hold up structures. In the same way, the Pillars of Islam support the entire religion and beliefs of Islam.

Is Muslim a religon?

Muslim" is not a religion, but rather a term that refers to a follower of Islam. Islam is the religion itself, which is a monotheistic faith that believes in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as conveyed in the Quran. Muslims follow the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the core beliefs and practices. For more detailed information, you can visit Darulifta Ahlesunnat.

What are Islam Religion Beliefs according to Quran?

Islam Religion Beliefs according to Quran is -There is only one God.Prophet Mohammad is the last messenger of God.For more information, kindly visit the website and read complete article regarding Islam Religion Beliefs and others aspects of Islam Religion.Refer to link and question below.

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"Muslim" is a person who follows the religion "Islam".

What is the difference between the term Muslim and Islam?

Muslim refers to a person who follows the religion of Islam, while Islam is the religion itself. Being Muslim means adhering to the beliefs and practices of Islam.

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Islam is the religon of Muslims so people who follow the religon of Islam are Muslims.

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The key beliefs are the Islam five pillars (refer to related question below). Refer to question below for the Islam main fundamentals.

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The Five Pillars of Islam.

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The more the specific religion followers the more will be the converts from this religion to Islam. Accordingly, most converts to Islam are from Christian religion. Some think that most converts to Islam are from people who had no previous convictions or beliefs. Refer to links below

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