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The sacrament of communion

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Q: What of the following practices was not a source of contention between the Catholic Church and Martin Luther?
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Which was the following practices was not a source of contention between the Catholic church and martin Luther?

The sacrament of communion

What is similar between Catholicism and Catholic?

A Catholic is one who practices Catholicism.

What practices was not a source of contention between the Catholic Church and Martin Luther?

One practice that was not a source of contention between the Catholic Church and Martin Luther was the belief in the Holy Trinity. Both the Catholic Church and Lutherans agreed on the doctrine of the Trinity, which states that there is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This was not a matter of dispute during the Protestant Reformation.

What was a source of contention between the Catholic Church and Martin Luther?

As you are not listing any of the possible "practices" in your question, I'm just going to take a stab in the dark; for instance, infant baptism was never a source of contention. Initially indulgences were not a source of contention (Luther was only objecting to the people's misunderstanding of indulgences), but later he rejected the entire system. One user said that the sacrament of communion was often an answer that they were looking for when this question is asked on a test, but Martin Luther most definitely did not believe in transubstantiation, he believed in consubstantiation. 1_ the sacrament of communion

What was not a source of contention between the Catholic Church of Martin Luther?

As you are not listing any of the possible "practices" in your question, I'm just going to take a stab in the dark; for instance, infant baptism was never a source of contention. Initially indulgences were not a source of contention (Luther was only objecting to the people's misunderstanding of indulgences), but later he rejected the entire system. One user said that the sacrament of communion was often an answer that they were looking for when this question is asked on a test, but Martin Luther most definitely did not believe in transubstantiation, he believed in consubstantiation. 1_ the sacrament of communion

What practice was a source of contention between the catholic church and martin Luther?

As you are not listing any of the possible "practices" in your question, I'm just going to take a stab in the dark; for instance, infant baptism was never a source of contention. Initially indulgences were not a source of contention (Luther was only objecting to the people's misunderstanding of indulgences), but later he rejected the entire system. One user said that the sacrament of communion was often an answer that they were looking for when this question is asked on a test, but Martin Luther most definitely did not believe in transubstantiation, he believed in consubstantiation. 1_ the sacrament of communion

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Became a major issue of contention between the Qing Dynasty and the British.?


What piece of territory is Arab-Israeli Conflict fought over?

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Is the eastern orthodox church and roman catholic church's disagreement about weather or not priests should be allowed to marry a source of tension between them?

Yes, the issue of priestly celibacy is a point of contention between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, married men can become priests, while the Roman Catholic Church requires celibacy for priests. This difference has been a historical source of tension between the two churches.

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I believe you are looking for the phrase "bone of contention". I'm not sure the origin, but I imagine it has something to do with animals fighting over a bone. that's completely wrong, the phrase is 'bone of contention' but it means to have a problem with someone or something. if i failed to pay back money to an old friend it would always be a bone of contention between us. but it can apply to anything

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Christianity was split between the roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox church