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On earth, Jesus was Jewish.

Luke 2:4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judæa, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David: .

As Joseph was of the lineage of the House of Judah as was David, so to was Christ.

Christ came through the lineage of Judah, or the house of David.

He was ethnically Jewish, but a citizen Israel. Jesus would have to be born in Rome to be considered a Roman citizen...and He wasn't.

The Bible is clear that Jesus was a Jew in the lineage of King David on his earthly adopted father Joseph side.

Answer: Joseph wasn't Jesus' father, so his lineage doesn't establish Jesus' nationality. However, Mary was also descended from King David through his son Nathan (rather than Solomon, as was Joseph), and this lineage established Jesus' earthly nationality as Jewish.

  1. "Jewish" isn't a nationality at all and never has been, so that is obviously not the right answer.
  2. The ancient Kingdom of Israel had ceased to exist about 700 years before he was born. He could not have been a citizen of Israel, so that is not the right answer, either.
  3. The Bible says he was born in the town of Bethlehem, which was in Judaea. However, that was not where he lived (Joseph and Mary had gone to Bethlehem only because of the Roman tax census). Jesus lived most of his life in Nazareth, which was in Galilee. That is why he was known as "Jesus of Nazareth".
  4. Long before Jesus was born, Galilee, Samaria and Judaea had been part of the independent Kingdom of Judea, but they were under Roman control at the time of Jesus's birth. Galilee was quite separate and distinct, in every way, from Judaea. People born in countries that had been conquered by Rome did not automatically become Roman citizens; they were citizens of the country where they lived. Therefore, it would be most correct to say that Jesus was Galilean.
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13y ago

According to the Bible, when Jesus was born on earth, as a fleshly man, he was born into the tribe of Judah, in the line of David, so was Jewish by 'nationality'(Matthew 1:1,2,6,16)(Galatians 4:4),but the scriptures indicate that Jesus had a pre-human existence in Heaven before coming to earth(John 17:5 +John 8:58), so, because his "roots" were heavenly(John 6:38)(John 8:23), he had no earthly 'nationality' after he returned to heaven (Galatians 3:28)(Matt. 28:18-20)(Daniel 7:14).

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Jesus was a Jew.

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14y ago

A Jew, from the tribe of Judah

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Q: What nationality is Jesus?
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The bible is clear that Jesus was a Jew in the lineage of King David on his earthly adopted father Joseph side.Answer:Joseph wasn't Jesus' father, so his lineage doesn't establish Jesus' nationality. However, Mary was also descended from King David through his son Nathan (rather than Solomon, as was Joseph), and this lineage established Jesus' earthly nationality as Jewish.

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