

Best Answer

1) The western Wall

2) The Mount of olives

3) The tomb of King David

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Q: What names the holiest Jewish site in Jerusalem?
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What is the name of the holiest jewish sites in Jerusalem?

The holiest site in Judaism is the Western Wall in Jerusalem, which is the last structure remaining from the Temple Mount which was destroyed nealy 2,000 years ago by the Romans.

What is the jewish holy site in Jerusalem?

The holiest site in Judaism is the Western Wall in Jerusalem, which is the last structure remaining from the Temple Mount which was destroyed nealy 2,000 years ago by the Romans.

Where is the holiest place in judaism?

The site of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

What is the third holiest site for the Muslims?

Al-Quds (or Jerusalem) in the Palestinian Territory

Why is Jerusalem an important place of pilgrimage for Christians?

Jerusalem is where Islam's third most holy site, The Mosque of Al-Aqsa, is located. For Jews, Jerusalem is important because it is the site of their holiest place, the temple mount. For Christians it is important because Jesus was crucified, buried and rose from the dead in Jerusalem. Muslims, Jews and Christians all come to Jerusalem on pilgrimages to see it.

What holy site for Islam can be found in Jerusalem?

Mainly the Farthest Mosque of Jerusalem, that is mentioned in the holy Quran & is considered to be the third holiest mosque in Islam.

What is the third holiest site of Judaism?

The Third Holiest Site in Judaism (after the Western Wall and the Old City of Jerusalem as Number 1 and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron as Number 2) would be the Old City of Safed and the Centers of Kabbalah.

What important religious sites are being contested by the Israelis and Palestinians?

There are quite a number of such sites, but the most famous is the Temple-Mount/Noble-Sanctuary area in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is the holiest site in the world to Jews and the third holiest site in the world to Muslims.

What is the holiest site for muslims?

Three sites.The holiest site for Muslims is the Kaba in Makkah (or Mecca).Of lesser importance are -AlMasjid Alnabawi (the Prophet Mosque) in Almadinah (or Medina), andAlMasjid AlAqsa (the AlaQsa Mosque) in AlQods (or Jerusalem)

Why is Jerusalem an important city in the Islamic faith?

The third holiest site in Islam, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is located in Jerusalem.

What can be said about the Jewish temple in Jerusalem?

It stood at the location and functioned as a site of ancient Israelite

What holy site in Jerusalem is sacred to both Islamic and Jewish people?

The Temple on the Mount