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Jesus called him ABBA-or Father.

AnswerJesus did not reveal God's name - only his title by which we should call him - in Aramaic, 'Abba' or 'Father' - or more accurately translated 'Daddy' to show an intimacy between us and God.

However Jesus DID indirectly refer to God's name. In John's gospel Jesus uses the term 'I am' frequently (eg 'before Abraham was... I am',' I am the way the truth and the life'.... I am the Good Sheperh' etc). This 'I am' refers to the name of God as revealed to Moses by God himself on Mount Sinai. 'I am' in Hebrew is YHWH or YahWeh - or, in its anglicised version - Jehovah.

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Jesus was Jewish so he worshipped the Jewish God.

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His Father.

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Q: What name did jesus call God?
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He didn't. It's basically a Westernized form of the name Yehoshua which literally means 'God delivers' in Hebrew-Aramaic.Another answerThe Father called him "my son." An angel told Mary to call him Jesus (Yeshuah).

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no, the Christian God' name is God, Jesus, Messiah, Emanuel, Creator, Father, Abba, Shepard, and so much more, but most people just prefer to call Him God.

What Is God and Jesus's real name?

God: Yah Jesus: Yahshua

What is their name for god?

well they really didnt have a name for GOD moses called him god Adam called him god and so did...well everyone else so god is his name. but if u want people also call him jahova or yahweh. Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.(Luke 2:29-30). There it is! His eyes had not just seen God's SALVATION - God's Yahshua (Jesus), but he had felt and touched Him, the holy child Yahshua (Jesus). "And you shall call His Name SALVATION (YAHSHUA - Jesus) for He will save His people from their sins." Amen!