

Best Answer

Salam Aleikom ( peace be unto you )

all music is haram ( forbidden ) except the music using "Def" . ( i'll explain ) .

Music is haram because it keeps the person away from reality . and what takes a person away from reality , takes him away from god .

i'll explain better .

music takes an effect on the heart espescially .

Prophet Muhammed ( peace be upon on him ) said in a hadith ( not Qu'ran ) :

"In the body, there is a "mudghah" piece of flesh, if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is bad, the whole body is bad; truly it is the heart."

music does blind the heart is some way , it keeps him busy from reality ,it keeps him busy to see the signs of god . the one who listens to music definetly doesn't read his Qu'ran ( or his holy book ) as he should . because it keeps him busy . it keeps him busy to see the signs of god as i said before , it blinds the heart .

it's like Alcohol , Alcohol keeps the mind busy and Music keeps the heart busy . and verily , a person will be good , when his heart is good .and music doesn't allow his heart to be good .to understand better , try to feel what music does to your heart then stop listning to music for a period ( 7 days ) and see the diffrence ( in your heart ) .the long period you take , the best feeling you'll have

Qu'ran says in Surah 31 : 6 :

"But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty. "

Idle tales is "music" and "false speaking"

wish that answered the question


Oh , I almost forgot. Here is the music which is okay to listen to in Islam.

You can listen to the "Def" in that music which I don't know its name in English (like drums , but not drums). Other instruments of music or even techno ... are haram (forbidden)

salam ^^

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It is important to note early on that Muslims do not uniformly hate music. While many more religious Muslims argue that any non-religious music is forbidden, with some Muslim parents known to have disowned children who went into music, the majority of the Muslims in the world flagrantly disregard this and embrace music. There is controversy concerning music with clearly blasphemous themes or laced with profanities, but, by and large, Muslims listen to music on the radio or television without incident.

As for those Muslims, like the one in the Community Answer, who hold a position opposed to music, they are opposed to music that moves the mind and spirit away from the practice of Islam. This includes otherwise innocuous music (like children's songs) and songs with more mature themes. As a result, they narrow the acceptable range of music to that with traditional local instruments, male performers, and specifically religious content (such as Qur'anic verses, traditional prayers, and sermons).

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