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Elul is the 6th month of the Jewish year, roughly corresponding to September.
Elul is the sixth month of the Jewish calendar. It roughly corresponds with September, though its dates shift several days back and forth as the (Hebrew) lunisolar calendar is periodically realigned with the solar seasons (the Gregorian calendar).

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Q: What month is ELUL of the Hebrew calendar?
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What is the month after Av in the Hebrew calendar?

In the Hebrew calendar, the month of Av is followed by the month of Elul.

What does the Hebrew word Elul come from?

Elul (????) is the 6th month on the Hebrew calendar. The name of the month, like all the other Hebrew months, was brought from the Babylonian Exile. Elul originated from the Akkadian word for "Harvest". A similar month name was also used in Akkadian, in the form el?lu.

The 12th month of the hebrew calendar?

Depending on which Hebrew year you are looking at (civil or ecclesiastical), it is either Elul (אלול) or Adar (אדר)

What is the meaning for the word elul?

Hebrew month

What is the name of the sixth month in the Hebrew calendar?

As of April 18, the Hebrew month is Nissan.

What is the sixth month on the jewish calendar?

Elul, an autumn month, is the sixth.See also the Related Link.The Hebrew calendar

When is the sixth Hebrew month?

Elul (אלול)

What is the name of the 12th Hebrew month?

This may be somewhat confusing, but here it is: Printed Jewish calendars, or books that outline the order of prayers through the year, will begin with the month of 'Tishrei' ... the month in which Rosh Hashana, "Head of the Year", occurs ... usually corresponding to sometime in September. The next month ... second in the printed calendar ... is 'Cheshvan'. But the Torah refers to those months as the seventh and eighth months respectively. As far as the Torah is concerned, the first month is the month of 'Nissan' ... the month in which Passover occurs ... corresponding to some time in March or April. On that basis, the second month is 'Iyar'.

Who destroyed the Hebrew calendar?

The Hebrew calendar wasn't destroyed, we use it to this day. Today's date is: 14th of Elul, 5771 [September 13, 2011].

What follows AV or ab in the Hebrew calendar?

after Av (אב) comes Elul (אלול)

Which month in the Hebrew calendar is Adar and how does it coincide with the gregorian calendar?

The Hebrew month Adar is the same in all countries. It is a Spring month.

What Hebrew calendar month comes before Iyar?

In the Hebrew calendar, the month of Nissan immediately precedes Iyar.