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King David

ANSWER: Ruth the wife of Boaz.

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Q: What moabite was an ancestor of jesus?
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Who was the loyal Moabite woman who was an ansestor of Jesus?


Who was the loyal Moabite woman who was an ancestor of Jesus?

Ruth 1:22 - So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess her daughter-in-law with her, who returned from the country of Moab. Now they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest. [NKJV]Ruth became the wife of Boaz (Ruth 4:10, 13), and they became the parents of Obed, who was the grandfather of King David (Ruth 4:17), making her an ancestor of Jesus.

Who are the women named in he bible that never dies?

The women named in the Bible who never die are: Mary, mother of Jesus Sarah, wife of Abraham Deborah, judge of Israel Miriam, sister of Moses Esther, Queen of Persia Ruth, Moabite ancestor of Jesus Abigail, wife of David Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist Mary Magdalene, witness to the resurrection of Jesus Priscilla, wife of Aquila

A king Jesus' ancestor?

King David

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Is Athaliah one of Jesus ancestors?

No. According to the Bible, God is Jesus' only ancestor.

Did Jesus have any descendants?

Yes. As any non-Jew is a gentile, Ruth the Moabite, who married Boaz,would be one example.

Who was the ancestor of both Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ?

A:Jewish tradition, subsequently accepted by both Christianity and Islam, is that Abraham was the personal ancestor of both the Jews and the Arabs. This tradition would make him the common ancestor of prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ.

What is the relationship of noha and Jesus Christ?

Noah, or Noe, as is written in the New Testament, was the ancestor of Jesus. (Luke 3.36) - He was about the 64th grandfather of Jesus.

What does Ruth portray Jesus as?

Ruth, although an ancestor of Jesus, lived about 1000 years before Jesus and so she knew nothing about Jesus and could not portray Him as anything.

What son of Adam is the ancestor of Jesus Christ?

off-the-cuff guess: Seth.

Who was the ancestor of Elizabeth when Jesus was born?

Elizabeth was descended from Aaron, of the tribe of Levi.