Answer #1:
Abraham (through his grandson Jacob, who was also named Israel, in Genesis ch.35).
Answer #2:
To the above answer, add Adam and Noah (ancestors of Abraham and of mankind in general).
The Israelites described themselves as the Children of Israel, specifically, the 12 tribes of Israel were each descended from a son (or grandson, through Joseph) of Israel, also known as Jacob. Jacob was the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, so the Israelites consider themselves to be descended from all three patriarchs, Jacob, Isaac and Abraham. When Jews instituted a formal system of conversion, this was formulated as an adoption ritual, where the convert takes the patriarchal name "ben Avraham v' Sarah" (son of Abraham) or "bat Avraham" (daughter of Abraham). (This may also be expanded to "... Avraham v'Sarah" -- ... of Abraham and Sarah, or "... Avraham Avinu" -- ... of Abraham our Father, or even "... Afvaham Avinu v'Sarah Imanu" -- ... of Abraham our Father and Sarah our Mother." These formal forms make it clear that the convert is descended, by right of adoption, from the patriarch Abraham and not just any ole Abe.)
They believe that they were descended from the three Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as described at length in the Book of Genesis (ch.11 onwards).
Israel.. Who ever put Moses is dumb. Learn your people
A pillar of cloud which descended upon the Tent of Meeting.
Moses or Abraham led the israelites out of Egypt i believe
What group of people do anthropologists believe the most of alaska's native people are descended from?
it is Abraham and he was not a prophet, he was a righteous and pious man that was a believer in the same god that Jews believe in. not Allah(Arab god) or Jesus but rather jehova
they are Jewish
The tribal structure of the ancient Israelites is derived from the sons of Jacob (who was later known as Israel). Thus, tradition holds that Levites are descended from his son Levi, Benjaminites are descended from his son Benjamin, and so on. There is no tribe of Joseph; instead, his two sons are each the fathers of their own tribe, the Menassahites and Ephriamites.
Yes they did believe that they were descendants of Hercules.