

Best Answer

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

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10y ago

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

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8y ago

The Vatican itself is the capital and only city in the country of the Vatican.

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In what European capital will you find the residence of the Pope?

It is the Vatican City, Rome, Italy.

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Vatican City is a city-state, a country consisting of only one city. So the capital is also Vatican City.

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Vatican City is the capital of Vatican City.

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What is the capital city of Vatican City?

Since Vatican city is its own city-state it does not have a capital. If i were you i would just call the capital Vatican city just because it is the only city in Vatican City. Hope that helped, Jamal

Which European country is enclosed within the capital of another country?

Vatican City is completely surrounded by Rome, the capital of Italy.

What city is the capital of Italy and the home of the Vatican city?

Rome is the capital of Italy, and is home of the Vatican City.

Where is the smallest country?

Vatican City Capital city is Vatican City