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Q: What liturgical season prepares us for Jesus?
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What prepares us for Jesus' coming?

What prepares us for Jesus' coming is the New Testament because it was before Jesus' was alive

What liturgically season prepares us for Easter?


Why do they celebrate Advent?

because they want to celebrate the birth of jesus

Why is lent inportant?

Lent is important as it reminds us th at Jesus fasted in the wilderness as he was lead by the spirit. This prepares us for the Easter period.

What does due season mean in the bible?

God us making you a new person in Jesus when he is done with you then you will enter in your due season

What is lent and what does it have to do with Easter?

lent prepares us for easter

What is family background of thieves who were crucified with Jesus?

AnswerThe Bible tells us almost nothing about the two who were crucified with Jesus. John Shelby Spong (Jesus for the NonReligious) tells us that the story purporting to describe the crucifixion of Jesus has been built on narratives from Hebrew scripture, crafted to identify Jesus with messianic images familiar to the readers of the Hebrew scriptures, and designed for liturgical use. He says that there were no thieves crucified with Jesus, penitent or otherwise. So, there is legitimate doubt as to whether there really were two thieves. Either way, we can not say what their family background was.

What do you call the cycle of seasons and feasts celebrating the presence of Jesus Christ with us all the time and the events in his life?

This is what is called the Liturgical year. The liturgical year is broken up into two subsections. One of which is the cycle of Sundays and major feasts (Easter, Pentecost, Christmas, etc.) which is called the Temporal Cycle. The other part is the Sanctoral cycle which celebrates the lives of the saints.

How does advent help us prepare for the birth of Christ?

The majority of Christians believe this is the time of Jesus' birth and celebrate it by calling it the Advent season.

Why is Easter a season of joy?

Easter is a season of joy because Christians are rejoicing in the resurrection of Jesus. On Good Friday Jesus died to ransom us from our sins. Though this is to help us, Christians still mourn His absence from them, for as Jesus said in St. Luke 5:35, comparing Himself to a bridegroom, "But the day will come, when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, then they shall fast in those days." But on Easter Jesus rose from death, and so Christians rejoice. (Bible verse from the Douay-Rheims Bible.)

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One Ten - 2013 He Prepares a Table Before Us 1-2 was released on: USA: 28 February 2014

Who prepares the bank statement?

bank prepares a bank statement copy of bank statement is with us called cash book and other is with bank called pass book